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Vet PvE guild! Non vets welcome too. XB1 DC EU

Heroes of Tamriel is a new guild for XBOX EU server. Currently recruiting to gain the members for our guild goals which are: as it stands our focus is Vet 4 man dungeons and large grouping for Cyrodil Pvp. But with the members and further progression 12 man trials with be a definite venture.
As the guild stands we are sitting with 40 members as a total, 12 level 1- 5 veterans, with a further 6 ready to hit Vet 1 with a week.
Brilliant community in the guild as of now and we can only get better! New voices are always welcome you'll never feel unwelcome here as everybody is on the same level when it comes to it, serious focus for progression but at the same time going at it together with that laid back mentality, know it alls and players who take pride in putting other people down do not bother applying.
Hope to get a few replies and get to know new people.

Gamertag is - xlDonsaucerelix (small L after the x)

Anybody who is interested by all means give me a message and we'll go from there!
  • colejames
    Good Morning!

    I would very much like to join your guild!

    I am currently only low lv but plan to lv to VET quickly, with the aim of doing VET dungeons and trials. So would be good to have some people to do them with.

    I play a healer as I do in any mmo, and have VET experience all though this was a long time ago.

    My gamer tag is The Randy Duck, and I would love an invite. I mainly play in the evenings as I work full time.

    Kind Regards,

  • Donsaucereli
    @colejames I'll send the invite your way when I'm on mate!
  • colejames
  • djmilky
    Soul Shriven
    hi im looking to join a guild I see your post would like to see if I could join you guys I play as a lv vr2 Templar healer, ebonheart pact im all ways playing as a healer in mmo's I just want to now start doing the veteran dungeons a lot and then when I can I really would like to do the 12 man trial's to if I could join plz let me know my gamertag is T 2 K git

  • Donsaucereli
    Getting brilliant feedback from this post I have to say, thanks a lot folks keep it coming!
  • Raahpwnzel
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, sounds interesting!
    I would like to join you, Vet2 1/2 Bosmer NB.
    Currently Stamina DPS but i prepare to become a Tank.
    I am a Werwolf and got lots of MMORPG XP.

    Tag - Raahpwnzel
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