Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
I am always wondering those ZERGgroups on low pop servers, Do you actually enjoying zerging soloplayers or small groups over there?
Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
Maybe Emperor farm? Not even dat, they just walk around farming soloplayers, hilarious.
And then you WONDER why there suddenly is gj
Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
You know they think the exact same thing about solo players ?... Because... why playing solo in Cyrodiil when the map is designed for... groups... oh well. It's the eternal question about eso : the mix of solo and multiplayer didn't work well as it's two completely different types of players.
Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
You know they think the exact same thing about solo players ?... Because... why playing solo in Cyrodiil when the map is designed for... groups... oh well. It's the eternal question about eso : the mix of solo and multiplayer didn't work well as it's two completely different types of players.
Dwibigrichub17_ESO wrote: »
Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
You know they think the exact same thing about solo players ?... Because... why playing solo in Cyrodiil when the map is designed for... groups... oh well. It's the eternal question about eso : the mix of solo and multiplayer didn't work well as it's two completely different types of players.
Why do group play mean to stack on the crown?
Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
You know they think the exact same thing about solo players ?... Because... why playing solo in Cyrodiil when the map is designed for... groups... oh well. It's the eternal question about eso : the mix of solo and multiplayer didn't work well as it's two completely different types of players.
Why do group play mean to stack on the crown?
Sometimes when I am in Haderus, I see full groups of mostly DC(Sometimes AD and Pact too) running around steamrolling solo players...I ask myself everytime..Why? Why yo do dis?
You know they think the exact same thing about solo players ?... Because... why playing solo in Cyrodiil when the map is designed for... groups... oh well. It's the eternal question about eso : the mix of solo and multiplayer didn't work well as it's two completely different types of players.
Why do group play mean to stack on the crown?
It doesn't always have to. Depends on your group. Sometimes people just skirmish and do whatevs.
Why do group play mean to stack on the crown?
Most of you missed the point of the original post. This post isn't t about solo play vs group play. Or stacking on the crown or not. It is a post about how everything was working fine on this server for months with the same numbers in battle, same group play type, same populations until certain EP guilds decide to show up one night and the entire server melts down.
30 min before this video was taken we (DC) with a group of 20 were siegeng the inner and there were only about 10-15 EP inside. The entire server was lagged. Some of us couldn't set up siege, some could set up and not fire, lost 3 siege weapons to lag. Completely impossible to even attempt to take a near empty keep. it was a complete joke. In one night EP destroyed this server the same way they did Thorn.