I'm getting really tired of wasting big spells, magicka, stamina or ultimates on stupid critters that that take priority over all actual enemy targets!
Oh look a big spider boss I need to kill.. charge attack.. kill a critter spider... great. Charge attack, get the boss, charge staff for big attack.. hit a spider hidden behind a rock near the wall at 90 degrees from my actual facing position and the boss.
From what I've experienced, the current priority is close to this:
-Small Animals
-Normal enemy target NPC I'm not attacking
-Actual major big enemy targeted boss I'm trying to attack
-Dead Corpse for looting
-Summoned enemy pet that is eating my leg
If you can't fix that, at least make an option to simply disable targeting/attacking critters just like for innocent NPCs.
I don't care if you get bait for fishing from them , I'm trying to level, not go on a fishing trip with my friends. If I want then, I'll go somewhere in the wild that there are lots of small critters without enemies to run around and kill. Other than that, they might be good for immersion but I doubt some big brave hero would take his eyes off from a giant monster that threatens a whole city to take a large swing at this little rat that's just minding its own business a meter away.
< /rant >