VioletBaby wrote: »I am a GM of a major trading guild on the NA server. Zenimax you have got to fix this trader bid problem. Bids should NOT be available to all members, even after the bid is over. This practice encourages spying and sabotage. My guild has been subject to spying and sniping. You say its a blind is not a blind auction considering the exact amount you bid is in the guild history for all to see on Mondays, whether you are a loyal guildy or a spy. It leads me to believe devs have no concept of whats happening in their game. This is hurting the gaming community and creates distrust and unnecessary stress on GMs and affects the community as a whole. Im all for healthy competition, what im not ok with is spying and deceit to get ahead. This had been brought up before in forums, i certainly have submitted countless tickets and bug reports about it. To no avail. Listen to your community Zenimax, how on earth did you think this was a good idea??? This is an easy fix, for the love of god, please make bid amount histories only available to those with bidding permissions, my gosh...
VioletBaby wrote: »You're deduction is correct lol but i've been hounding Zenimax about this for months, as Ive watched countless guilds getting targeted, even before it has affected my guild personally. Being "sniped" was just the impetus to finally write this post . Btw "he" is actually a she
VioletBaby wrote: »Grats on the trader!
My faith in Zenimax would be seriously restored if they implemented this easy fix. But you are right, reassurances from customer support rarely hold weight with promises of SOON. Ive had customer support say, im paraphrasing, "you are right, bid amounts shouldnt be seen by all members". But ive been told to submit yet another bug report...
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »Why tinker with the edges by trying to fix / rig the bidding process.
The bidding process is the least problematic issue in the trade system.
The main problem is that the Kiosk system doesn't work at all for a significant percentage of the player base.
Many sellers are forever prevented from selling, and as a buyer I have only found what I was looking for once out of over 50 attempts.
Changing how bidding works is like changing the seat covers on a runaway train - pointless cosmetic tinkering , and does absolutely nothing to affect the main issue at hand.
All The Best
Contraptions wrote: »I agree that bids should be private, but I think all the guild members want to know exactly how much is being spent on their traders. So here is what I suggest:
Make bids private, until the guild wins the trader. Then display the winning bid/amount spent to all members.
If the guild doesn't win (and thus gets their gold refunded), then the bid amount won't be displayed.
Maybe this will help solve the problem. Spies may still try to gauge next week's bid through previous ones, but at least bid sniping won't be as simple as it is now.