Best course of action to take when you are waiting to load and the screen says "This may be an unusually long load time" when I get this it lasts for 30+ minutes. Any suggestions at all would be helpful. Thank you
I have had this a few times but never for 30 min. maybe 5 minutes tops. I have an XBOX 1 so I don't know if the wait is different per system but just saying.
I have an Xbox One it has only happened a few times, but it's annoying when it does happen. Other than this and not being able to defeat the fog boss for the first 14 hours of having the game it's a great game.
I'm on Xbox na side. I have it happen once or twice a night. Usually its from way shrine to wayshrine.
I don't look at it as bad. When playing I can lose track of time. Lol. So,when this pops up I usually go get a drink. Take the dog out. Check my phone. Get in touch with reality. Lol. If after 5 minutes its still there, I go to dashboard, manually quit game, then restart it. After a quick restart it usually runs smooth for awhile. Hope that helped.
Log out before shutting down your console. I was in a hurry and didn't logout before I shut the Xbox 1 down. It was loading for at least 15 minutes before I quit the game from the home screen and restarted it. Everything worked fine after that.
Having the same problem, been waiting at the load screen for at least 35 minutes and it just keeps loading. When I do log out and turn off my Xbox it does nothing but just makes me wait longer when I try to get back into a server
This happens to me every single time I load in Cyrodiil. It's to the point that I don't even engage with any fight I don't think I can win as its a 3-5 minute load time every time I die.
It's awesome being #13 perpetually on the leaderboard because you miss the D-ticks due to dying in siege fires then not being able to load into the game to run back until its over. ! yaaay
Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.