Ebonheart Pact - Veteran lvl 1 Dragonknight - Looking for guild

Soul Shriven

Been getting quite into eso a lot more recently almost at VR lvl 2 Imperial Dragonknight, got lvl 27 black smithing and still building it up. Looking for a guild with a good structure, including the ranking system, and well organised events. Mainly just want to have a laugh and get in on some group pvp action as a good group is crucial to success. Found that most guilds in game just add everyone they see so not too worried about joining a large guild, ideally 50+ members.

Gamer tag: mattydono

Best bet will be to message me on psn

  • mattydono
    Soul Shriven
    or email me as i have that on my phone and will be more likely to reply - Matthew.donovan@mac.com
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