Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Every time I go to drop off Goods for the Writs I have to be mindful of Items laying on the boxes that I intend to put the goods in. Ive stolen numerous staffs because the same button to put your goods in the box is the same button you pick things up with on console.
For the love of Mara remove these items from around the drop off point. Or atleast place them so that they arent in the way of the actual boxes.
Or you could just pay attention and not loot a red item. This is the stuff that makes the game fun and even a bit risky, I prefer such things stay in as it makes for entertaining mishaps and a great story afterwords.
Lava_Croft wrote: »I'm sorry, but ESO at least requires you to look at your screen while playing.
It works the same way on the PC.Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Lava_Croft wrote: »I'm sorry, but ESO at least requires you to look at your screen while playing.
Im going to go ahead and take a wild guess here. You dont use console and you have no clue what Im talking about. So let me educate you.
The button for which to interact with things, anything and everything you interact with must go through this button. And when two things that require this button to interact is so close to each other. It doesnt always behave the way it should. As in the ability to interact switches between the two closest things.
If you approach the box from the side and cant see that the staff is resting against the box on the other side and attempt to open the box. You could end up with the staff. Now, how much sense does it make that for me to turn in my quest that I should stop and have to circle the box to make sure that I might not accidently pick something up? Where else do you see things literally drapped over quest turn in points? Where else can you accidently steal items while just trying to turn things in?
But please. Keep pretending as if its an issue of not looking at the screen while playing. I'll simply ignore you from here on out.
MaximusDargus wrote: »This is general discussion forum. In general its not a problem to watch before you press button or pay attention where you aim your cursor.
I see no problem with items being placed anywhere. Its a simple task to verify before clicking if you arent going to steal something by mistake.
When aiming at things it does show "steal" or "open" or "use" notification so game tells you what is about to happen if you press button.
So it's a problem with your manual dexterity.MaximusDargus wrote: »This is general discussion forum. In general its not a problem to watch before you press button or pay attention where you aim your cursor.
I see no problem with items being placed anywhere. Its a simple task to verify before clicking if you arent going to steal something by mistake.
When aiming at things it does show "steal" or "open" or "use" notification so game tells you what is about to happen if you press button.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Its not an issue of auto looting. The item is laid up against the box for the writ turn ins. Because of the limited button options looting and interacting with everything else goes through this one button. And because of the close proximity of the staff and the box. The interaction button can change in a instance from 'Press X to Open Box' to 'Press X to Loot' before you have a chance to react. If youre just starting to press the button for the box. Its too late.
I don't think it should be changed.That's how stores and marketplaces are in real life, there are wares displayed all over. It adds a bit of realism to the justice system. It is the players responsibility to be more aware and careful. And I say this as someone who has acidentally stolen things at merchants, guild traders and writ dropoffs. And then there's the lockbox at the Belkarth alchemy station. It only exists to mock me for being rushed and inattentive.
Psychobunni wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Its not an issue of auto looting. The item is laid up against the box for the writ turn ins. Because of the limited button options looting and interacting with everything else goes through this one button. And because of the close proximity of the staff and the box. The interaction button can change in a instance from 'Press X to Open Box' to 'Press X to Loot' before you have a chance to react. If youre just starting to press the button for the box. Its too late.
I have it on and have yet to "accidentally" steal anything at all...as the loot box opens up anytime I click on an item that would be stealing, therefore giving me the second chance to not steal it if I misclicked
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Psychobunni wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Its not an issue of auto looting. The item is laid up against the box for the writ turn ins. Because of the limited button options looting and interacting with everything else goes through this one button. And because of the close proximity of the staff and the box. The interaction button can change in a instance from 'Press X to Open Box' to 'Press X to Loot' before you have a chance to react. If youre just starting to press the button for the box. Its too late.
I have it on and have yet to "accidentally" steal anything at all...as the loot box opens up anytime I click on an item that would be stealing, therefore giving me the second chance to not steal it if I misclicked
Are you playing on Console?
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »I don't think it should be changed.That's how stores and marketplaces are in real life, there are wares displayed all over. It adds a bit of realism to the justice system. It is the players responsibility to be more aware and careful. And I say this as someone who has acidentally stolen things at merchants, guild traders and writ dropoffs. And then there's the lockbox at the Belkarth alchemy station. It only exists to mock me for being rushed and inattentive.
Its not a marketplace or a store. Its a Caravan that is taking items to Cyrodiil for the fight. When you approach it. Youre putting items in the boxes so they can be shipped.
They dont have to completely remove the staff. Simply placing it a few feet away where its not ontop of a quest turn in point would suffice. It would still allow players to steal when they wanted and it wouldnt interfere with turning in quests. There is NO other location where you turn in a quest that has an item in its way requiring you to navigate around it so you can turn in your quest without looting. This shouldnt be the exception.
Psychobunni wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Psychobunni wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Its not an issue of auto looting. The item is laid up against the box for the writ turn ins. Because of the limited button options looting and interacting with everything else goes through this one button. And because of the close proximity of the staff and the box. The interaction button can change in a instance from 'Press X to Open Box' to 'Press X to Loot' before you have a chance to react. If youre just starting to press the button for the box. Its too late.
I have it on and have yet to "accidentally" steal anything at all...as the loot box opens up anytime I click on an item that would be stealing, therefore giving me the second chance to not steal it if I misclicked
Are you playing on Console?
No, that's why I asked you if console has that in the options....it should effectively solve your problem
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »I don't think it should be changed.That's how stores and marketplaces are in real life, there are wares displayed all over. It adds a bit of realism to the justice system. It is the players responsibility to be more aware and careful. And I say this as someone who has acidentally stolen things at merchants, guild traders and writ dropoffs. And then there's the lockbox at the Belkarth alchemy station. It only exists to mock me for being rushed and inattentive.
Its not a marketplace or a store. Its a Caravan that is taking items to Cyrodiil for the fight. When you approach it. Youre putting items in the boxes so they can be shipped.
They dont have to completely remove the staff. Simply placing it a few feet away where its not ontop of a quest turn in point would suffice. It would still allow players to steal when they wanted and it wouldnt interfere with turning in quests. There is NO other location where you turn in a quest that has an item in its way requiring you to navigate around it so you can turn in your quest without looting. This shouldnt be the exception.
I understand that this is challenging for you, and that you feel the devs should change it. Based on the responses, please understand that you're the only one who feels this way, and that other players feel it's appropriately the players' responsibility to avoid.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Psychobunni wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Psychobunni wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Its not an issue of auto looting. The item is laid up against the box for the writ turn ins. Because of the limited button options looting and interacting with everything else goes through this one button. And because of the close proximity of the staff and the box. The interaction button can change in a instance from 'Press X to Open Box' to 'Press X to Loot' before you have a chance to react. If youre just starting to press the button for the box. Its too late.
I have it on and have yet to "accidentally" steal anything at all...as the loot box opens up anytime I click on an item that would be stealing, therefore giving me the second chance to not steal it if I misclicked
Are you playing on Console?
No, that's why I asked you if console has that in the options....it should effectively solve your problem
Its not a loot box. Its a staff laying on the box. You hit the X button and it instantly goes into your inventory.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »I don't think it should be changed.That's how stores and marketplaces are in real life, there are wares displayed all over. It adds a bit of realism to the justice system. It is the players responsibility to be more aware and careful. And I say this as someone who has acidentally stolen things at merchants, guild traders and writ dropoffs. And then there's the lockbox at the Belkarth alchemy station. It only exists to mock me for being rushed and inattentive.
Its not a marketplace or a store. Its a Caravan that is taking items to Cyrodiil for the fight. When you approach it. Youre putting items in the boxes so they can be shipped.
They dont have to completely remove the staff. Simply placing it a few feet away where its not ontop of a quest turn in point would suffice. It would still allow players to steal when they wanted and it wouldnt interfere with turning in quests. There is NO other location where you turn in a quest that has an item in its way requiring you to navigate around it so you can turn in your quest without looting. This shouldnt be the exception.
I understand that this is challenging for you, and that you feel the devs should change it. Based on the responses, please understand that you're the only one who feels this way, and that other players feel it's appropriately the players' responsibility to avoid.
Youre right. Players that are more then likely not on console....And are flamebaiting. I mean we have already had a mod in here. So yeah. I should take their opinions as the end all be all. Wheres the eye roll emoji?
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Youre right. Players that are more then likely not on console....And are flamebaiting. I mean we have already had a mod in here. So yeah. I should take their opinions as the end all be all. Wheres the eye roll emoji?