Maintenance for the week of January 20:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 20
• NA megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)

The Wolves of Grahtwood are recruiting (ALDMERI DOMINION) xbox EU

Soul Shriven
The Wolves Of Grahtwood are currently recruiting members. We hope to fill our ranks with more mature people who are interested in having fun in ESO. We will be participating in pve. If your looking for a guild to assist you with world bosses, dungeons.. Look no further!

also as the title suggests where a werewolf guild but you don't have to be one to join. ill be giving out bites every week.

please leave your gamertag below or message me in game at -cajandude--
Edited by cajandude on June 19, 2015 9:33PM
  • AudioVortex

    Interested in joining. GT: Audio Vortex, send us an invite :)

    I'm 23, in my own flat, headset (not *** kinect). I'd much rather a more mature guild than have a 12 year old whining in my ear like the last one i joined..
    Vex Carlotta - Templar - Imperial - Aldmeri Dominion - VR2 - Werewolf
    Casamir Naharis - Dragon Knight (Tank) - Dunmer - Aldmeri Dominion - VR10 - Werewolf
    Razelan Azani - Nightblade - Redguard - Daggerfall Covenant - L45
    EU Dominion - Aldmeri Kings
    EU Daggerfall - Daggerfalls Elite
  • cajandude
    Soul Shriven

    Interested in joining. GT: Audio Vortex, send us an invite :)

    I'm 23, in my own flat, headset (not *** kinect). I'd much rather a more mature guild than have a 12 year old whining in my ear like the last one i joined..

    i sent an invite to you boss.
    Edited by cajandude on June 19, 2015 9:46PM
  • shuttleworth51
    Soul Shriven
    GT: shuttleworth51

  • RAB1979
    Soul Shriven
    RAB UK
  • MasterTwisted
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by MasterTwisted on June 22, 2015 10:33AM
  • thornboosh
    GT: thornboosh

    Feel free to invite me, looking for some questing pals to join up with

    I'm 25, but I'm not sure about being mature lol
    The North Remembers
  • MiscreantSmurf
    Miscreant Smurf
  • cajandude
    Soul Shriven
    i have sent out invites
  • TomHitmanHatton
    Soul Shriven
    GT: TomHitmanHatton
  • amgxcrysisx
    Gt: amg xCrysisx

  • RAM2191
    Gamertag is RAM2191 interested in an invite. Currently levelling through veteran 4 zone but am always willing to join in fun activities :)
    Ram V6 Imperial Templar (AD)
    I am the hope of the Universe. I am the answer to all living things who cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth... ally to good, nightmare to you.
  • shaunblade
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, been looking for a guild to help me become a werewolf, willing to help out the best I can, please help me out and add me

    Looking for a werewolf bite or vampire preferably werewolf

    Character Name: shaun blade
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    System: Xbox One
    Server: European
    Gamer Tag: shaun1heaviside

    Please help me out I've been waiting for days to try and get bitten yet people kill them and ruin it.
  • NeitherFirstnorLast
    Soul Shriven
    cajandude wrote: »
    The Wolves Of Grahtwood are currently recruiting members. We hope to fill our ranks with more mature people who are interested in having fun in ESO. We will be participating in pve. If your looking for a guild to assist you with world bosses, dungeons.. Look no further!

    also as the title suggests where a werewolf guild but you don't have to be one to join. ill be giving out bites every week.

    please leave your gamertag below or message me in game at -cajandude--

    I would like to join. I play a Bosmer Nightblade, Linden Vulpes. Old school RPGamer... 43! Notfirstnorlast.
  • Eyecon74
    Eyecon74 vr16 Templar and vr16 Nightblade . Learning to use my Templar for pledges (not always successful) and to help people out. Master crafter in everything and can make armour with up to 7 traits. UK based and play a lot
  • beach90
    Soul Shriven
    New to mmos but not to elder scrolls
    Me and my cousin both looking for a guild not full of kids and with people to help with group dungeons
    Gt lifes a BE4CH
    Gt poky6
    Would also like to be a werewolf been trying to find them in reapers March but not had much luck
  • marabi321
    Soul Shriven
    i would love to join
    gamertag marcabi321
  • Pinkduckasaurus
    Soul Shriven
    Interested in joining and becoming a werewolf don't have my mic at the moment have it by mid next week gamer tag is Pinkduckasaurus
  • RanDan_TBC
    Soul Shriven
    Ht: RanDan tbc
  • grambol
    Soul Shriven
    Like to join,

    GT: grambol
    Casual Dutch player, who works and plays in evening. Love the game, Pve, pvp or solo
  • Mc_hammark
    Soul Shriven
    If you're still open and accepting I'd love to join. GT: mc hammark
    Edited by Mc_hammark on October 24, 2015 2:42AM
  • EvoXBlue2008
    Soul Shriven
    iR3k Flawless
  • DingiestSplash
    Hi, I'm 26 and from the UK looking for a mature when we need to be crowd :) GT is DingiestSplash
  • nnaryt
    Soul Shriven
    Hey i would like to join.

    GT: Nnaryt
  • DRXHarbinger
    Drop us an invite. DR X Harbinger be good to have another decent guild to *** dungeons with daily. 4k dps beast on call.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Swundead
    I am interested in joining!

    Gamertag: Piggybacksteam
    "Think of yourselves as a hand. Each of you is a finger, and without the others you´re useless. Alone, a finger can´t grasp, or control, or form a fist. You are nothing on your own, and everything together."

    Xbox One EU
  • MetabolicSpace0
    Soul Shriven
    Would like to join as well. Gamertag is MetabolicSpace0
  • raz198O
    Im 35 and live in the UK looking for eu peeps to play with im a bit of a newbie my gt is raz198O ( letter O ). Im lvl 33 and pottering about trying to figure this game out.

    Please send a invite o/
  • LordDarknite
    im a PC player that come to the xbox one only low rank but i will become something higher and i like the crafting side gt = evedark1
    Edited by LordDarknite on December 16, 2015 11:00PM
  • joshd7790
    Invite me please
    My gmt is "YoItsDougal860" thank youu
  • pala_the4th
    Send me an invite please,
    GT: palathe4th
    EU XBone
    High Elf Sorcerer
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