Looking for a guild

I am an experienced mmo player and trying to find a guild that actually runs together. I am tired of queing into dungeons where nobody knows how to start the thing and I end up in a place alone until the others quit and run off questing.

I am looking for a dedicated group that runs together and beats the content. If interested, hit me up in game.

Ahhellno is my psn
  • justanotherbro
    Hello My Name is JustAnotherBro
    I represent the guild Lux Lucis for Ebonheart Pact NA we are a group of friends who have been playing mmo related games for the last 4 years we have a certain way of doing things, we are looking to being a "elitist" type guild seeking talented players with mmo knowledge, someone we dont want to babysit and be a active voice within our community.
    We believe in QUALITY not Quantity our Guild Limit is stting at around 70-80 within the near future that will be lowered to see who makes the CUT.
    We are looking for LONG TERM players who want to dedicate time properly to the game, we are a no holds bars guilds where we DONT want to hold your hand though this game we SEEKING players who know what to do and are looking to integrate into a actually established group.

    We Have a Extremely Talented Well Rounded Group
    Most Professions Leveled
    Couple VR's

    We are a Serious Guid SEEKING Serious Players

    Currently Recruiting:
    Tanks and Healers
    Exceptional DPS

    Please Contract me in-game or on the forums
  • Morrowlesswind
    You need to post what alliance you are in since you will only be able to group and run with people from the same alliance
    PSN ID: Sholomo // ESO Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion NA server
  • BigDSoulReaper
    Hello! I would like to invite you to Immortal Kings! we are a fun care free alliance that all members are willing to help each other. We already have guild bank unlocked. So you know ahead of time all members are required to go through a week long trial period before being promoted to member, this is to insure we don't get any bad apples. As recruit members you will be able to deposit into our bank, but wont be able to withdraw until you are promoted to member. If your interested, go to Immortalkingsaoe.proboards.com and sign up for the site and also fill out the ESO application. this will allow you to get in on our forums which will be easy for us all to communicate even when were not home playing. also we will be using it to plan events. Hope to see you there.
    Immortal Kings GuildMaster
    There are greats, there are legends, then there are Immortals!
  • piratej62
    Hey we are recruiting members for our Guild, Darkest Dawn. There are 7 of us that play most nights and weekends. We’ve been playing MMO’s together for years, a few of us were on the PC for ESO as well. We’re looking to up our numbers for everything. We’re currently grinding like everyone else, but we need bodies for PVP, Dungeons, DSA, and the guild store. We’re all 20’s and older. No age restriction here, as long as you’re not a jerk, you’re welcome. We bust each other’s balls as often as we hit the X button, it’s a requirement so don't take any of it serious. If you’re looking for a group of people who take the game serious enough to get s**t done, but also realize it’s just a game, this is your place. My psn is piratej62 add me or shoot me a message through PSN/ ingame or through the forums. See you in Tamriel!
  • heartburnkid
    Oh yea, sorry.

    Ebonheart faction.
    Edited by heartburnkid on June 19, 2015 8:53PM
  • Devo3


    Hello, friend! I believe that the Malformed Fortune; a family of thieving freaks (the 'freak' part being some of us having possesion of Lycanthropy and Vampirism) is able to meet your interests in a guild! We welcome all; regardless of alliance, age, gender, etc. Also, when it comes to activities we participate in ESO, there is no bounds! Whether it be PVP, PVE; you name it, we're doing it! Do consider looking into the guild forum link above and be able to uncover full detail on what this guild is all about; and are willing to offer you!

    Regardless of which guild(s) you reside with, I hope you find a guild that meets your interests so you may further enjoy the ESO experience! Thank you for your time reading this post if not the thoroughly detailed guild forum. Happy gaming!
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