Templar healer advice needed

What's the set that I want? Is it worm cult set entirely? Or something else.
  • Spottswoode
    There's a wide variety of combinations of healing gear that are very well performing. The most common set used for healing is the Warlock set. So you would be best off trying a combination with the Warlock set. The prayer shawl set has some interesting uses as well as the Stendarr's Embrace and Sanctuary sets. Really you just need to try what you want and see how it works.
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  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    There is no best set for healers, it depends on what content you are doing and the players you are grouped with. Worm cult is a good choice, if the mages in your group need help to sustain their magicka.
    If you want to maximize your healing you should get the healer set and combine it with sets that increase your spell damage.
    If you have problems with your own magicka management you can try if Warlock or Seducer would help you. Archmage would actually be a bit better than Seducer, but it's very expensive.
  • G_wack
    Thanks so much for responding. Cost isn't a problem I just needs know what I should put together. Ultimately I want to do pvp and just high level dungeons, trials and raids. Should I have separate sets for each? You guys have any recommendations on which set is best for each? And maybe what skills I should have with what morph to heal mistily but also be able to do damage if I'm in a one on one fight? I put all my skill points into Magika. And my champion points have been focused around magicka and resistance so far
  • DschiPeunt
    There's a wide variety of combinations of healing gear that are very well performing. The most common set used for healing is the Warlock set. So you would be best off trying a combination with the Warlock set. The prayer shawl set has some interesting uses as well as the Stendarr's Embrace and Sanctuary sets. Really you just need to try what you want and see how it works.

    U wot, mate? I know exactly 0 healers who still run the Warlock set.
    G_wack wrote: »
    Thanks so much for responding. Cost isn't a problem I just needs know what I should put together. Ultimately I want to do pvp and just high level dungeons, trials and raids. Should I have separate sets for each? You guys have any recommendations on which set is best for each? And maybe what skills I should have with what morph to heal mistily but also be able to do damage if I'm in a one on one fight? I put all my skill points into Magika. And my champion points have been focused around magicka and resistance so far

    Different sets for PvP and PvE are not a must, but if you want to explore Cyro on your own, you won't live very long in a light armour PvE healer outfit.

    For PvE the Healer set is really good. And you want to boost your spell damage, so Martial Knowledge (2x Spell DMG) or some set you can craft yourself (e.g. Magnus) is fine. One could mix in 2 pieces of Torugs Pact or a Head & Shoulders (TM) dungeon set, e.g. engine guardian (The Bogdan set is c**p because of the cooldown).

    Main healing skills are Breath of Life (flash heal) and Healings Springs (area heal).
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  • Leandor
    There is a huge difference in gearing for PvP and PvE. Every half decent player will always target you first in PvP, so you need to gear for defense.

    5 pieces of the healer's habit is good to have and is available for purchase in purple on jewelry slots. Combine that with a crafted set to have nirnhoned and heavy pieces available. A decent crafted set that also provides a significant passive survivability bonus is whitestrake's retribution. May feel counterintuitive to use a tanking set for PvP healing, but has it's merit.

    Since you now have 10 of 11 slots filled, try to acquire master's healing staff.

    For PvE healing, go full light. Supplement the healer's habit with as much magicka recovery as you can and fill up the reminder with magicka. Prioritize spell damage last, since you will be more effective if you are able to indefinitely spam smaller heals than by gearing for bombastic heals but run out of resources halfway through the encounter.

    Sets like Warlock/Magicka Furnace/Worm Cult are entirely based on magicka regen and only effective with their respective 5-piece-bonus. You are better off with mix-matching several sets and go for 3+3 or 2+4 bonuses.

    If you have access to it, some of the regen based undaunted sets are also beneficial (engine guardian being the best).

    All the above is just my personal opinion and I know for a fact that many will disagree. So this comes with my standard advice: test it for yourself.
  • G_wack
    Thanks again for the advice. I understand what I need to do for pve set wise now. Thanks. Anyone want to explain or direct me to where I can figure out what build and skills I should use in pve as a healer. Also if someone could expand upon the pvp sets that would be amazing. Also if someone has a good recommendation where I can be an effective healer in pvp but also do some does that would be great. Like what build, set, and gear to heal and dps a little in pvp. Sorry just trying to learn as much as I can.
  • Mr_Nobody
    Use 2 to 3 different sets with 4-5 piece bonuses dedicated to bonus % healing and cost/magicka!

    ~ @Niekas ~

  • Spottswoode
    DschiPeunt wrote: »

    U wot, mate? I know exactly 0 healers who still run the Warlock set.
    That's funny, because I don't know any who don't. Hmm. Not everybody I know who uses the set uses the full set though.
    I use other sets from time to time, but Warlock is the most consistent performer. Many times I just use the Warlock jewelry.
    Edited by Spottswoode on June 20, 2015 3:15AM
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  • G_wack
    Pop setup anyone? Set wise, build and skills for healing and so I can do damage and fight too.

    Anyone got good recommendations?
  • G_wack
  • DschiPeunt
    G_wack wrote: »

    See Leandor's post above.
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  • DschiPeunt
    DschiPeunt wrote: »

    U wot, mate? I know exactly 0 healers who still run the Warlock set.
    That's funny, because I don't know any who don't. Hmm. Not everybody I know who uses the set uses the full set though.
    I use other sets from time to time, but Warlock is the most consistent performer. Many times I just use the Warlock jewelry.

    Are you playing PvE or PvP? Because I tend to think we are not talking about the same thing^^

    For PvE:
    If you only use the jewelry from the Warlock set, the Healer's Habit jewelry is simply better, because if you use 3 pieces it will give you more magicka and magicka regen on both sets and the Healer set is higher level and therefore gives higher bonuses.

    If you don't consider jewelry, the Seducer set gives 2x magicka regen and 1x max magicka, so the same as the Warlock set, but is again (since it can be crafted) of higher level and therefore better.

    And about the 5 piece bonus: Magicka sustain shouldn't be a problem since 1.6 for healers. Invest your CP right and use spell cost reduction enchantments and you're fine. And you don't want the Warlock set to proc if you have a magicka debuff in the Serpent fight :D
    Edited by DschiPeunt on June 20, 2015 11:59AM
    Server: EU AD || Guilds: EquinoX

    Telleno || Dro-M'Athra Destroyer || Magicka DK || My YouTube-Channel || Profile on ESO-Database

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  • G_wack
    Where do I obtain the healers pact set for veteran rank 2? Or does it not exist
  • Leandor
    Does only exist from veteran 12, afaik. Maybe even only from vet 14. If you are looking for leveling sets, go with crafted sets. Or just random drop sets. Syrabane, Sanctuary, to name two good ones.

    EDIT: Or do you mean the pact's restoration staff plus rings? If yes, that set is acquired in PvP.
    Edited by Leandor on June 21, 2015 12:07AM
  • G_wack
    Should I just use tourags and seducer until I can get better gear. I'm vet 2. What rings and necklaces should I have for now?
  • DschiPeunt
    G_wack wrote: »
    Should I just use tourags and seducer until I can get better gear. I'm vet 2. What rings and necklaces should I have for now?

    At your level I would definitely try to focus on sets you can craft yourself (Seducer (4-5x) and Torugs (2x) is a good setup at that level).
    You shouldn't care about jewelry too much right now. Basically every set that gives you something magicka-related is fine (Max Magicka/Magicka regen/Spell DMG). Just see what jewelry you can get cheap and even if you don't have set jewelry until VR14, you can still heal pretty good.
    Server: EU AD || Guilds: EquinoX

    Telleno || Dro-M'Athra Destroyer || Magicka DK || My YouTube-Channel || Profile on ESO-Database

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  • G_wack
    Thanks for all the advice. I got seducer and torags for now. Thanks
  • rokrdt05
    This really depends on what you want to do.

    Contrary to what some of the posters are recommending you DO want to have spell damage in PvE content. Spell Damage + Max Magicka = Bigger Heals. Recovery is not as important if you are using a Resto Staff. So you could go a mix between 5x Healer and 5x Seducer if you are concerned about keeping some recovery while at the same time giving you some bonus spell damage.

    Warlock is (IMHO) a very outdated healing set. I know some of the top players on the DC NA side who do not use this set what so ever in PvE. The same can be said about Healer's Habit.

    Personally, with the player skill levels that I play with combined with my play skill I run 3x Torugs Pact (1 Heavy and with Sword and Board), 5x Healers, 4x Martial Knowledge and a Resto Torugs staff on off bar (making it 2x Torugs to keep spell damage). Honestly the main heals I use are Breath of Life, Repentance, and Healing Springs. I don't have any other heals on my bar as I DPS the rest of the time.

    PvP is a different monster all together has you mostly want to spec into recovery and defense at this point. I don't PvP enough to give a solid build, I usually run 5x Healer, 5x Seducer (all Nirnhond with 2x heavy pieces and sword/board). This does extremely well for me as it gives me survivability and non stop breath of life spamming.

    Your play style may differ and you will want to mix/match sets that work for you. (My credentials are in my signature.)
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