pecheckler wrote: »Zenimax already confirmed they are going to buff weaker racial passives and will later offer a race change service.
deadlock007 wrote: »If you are blaming racial passives on you not being competitive in end game content then I am afraid you will be in for a big disappointment when/if they do "fix" them and realize you are still not competitive.
deadlock007 wrote: »If you are blaming racial passives on you not being competitive in end game content then I am afraid you will be in for a big disappointment when/if they do "fix" them and realize you are still not competitive.
And its obvious you are not understanding the whole meaning around my post, but I'll be happy to elaborate for you.
Imperials have a percentage boost to their HP and Stamina (12% and 10%). If you know your basic math, you know that percentages upon percentages upon percentages on top of a base stat offers the best possible boost. The champion system runs off percentages in terms of boosting base stats, as well as other passives such a undaunted mettle, and so forth. With the right equipment, you could have an imperial with 21k hp with 0 points in health. I'd like to see that done with any other race, as I have checked, and its not possible.
deadlock007 wrote: »deadlock007 wrote: »If you are blaming racial passives on you not being competitive in end game content then I am afraid you will be in for a big disappointment when/if they do "fix" them and realize you are still not competitive.
And its obvious you are not understanding the whole meaning around my post, but I'll be happy to elaborate for you.
Imperials have a percentage boost to their HP and Stamina (12% and 10%). If you know your basic math, you know that percentages upon percentages upon percentages on top of a base stat offers the best possible boost. The champion system runs off percentages in terms of boosting base stats, as well as other passives such a undaunted mettle, and so forth. With the right equipment, you could have an imperial with 21k hp with 0 points in health. I'd like to see that done with any other race, as I have checked, and its not possible.
And obviously I struck I nerve somewhere since you quoted me out of all the rest of the comments that are telling you to L2P. We are just pointing out that ANY race can be competitive at end game content and if you think it is the race you chose to play that is holding you back then you have bigger issues.
Also, I work in accounting so I know how math works in real life. I also play the game well enough that whatever my race is has never held me back.
Plus goodbye threads are not allowed.
deadlock007 wrote: »
Plus goodbye threads are not allowed.
I've tried very hard to make something out of my khajiit character and I've only been met with people telling me that my race is gimped compared to other races, no matter the class. End game, imperials and redguards out-do khajiits in terms of nightblades, and they are sub-par when it comes to other classes. At this point in time, the race as a whole is gimped and offers less than what other races outfitted in the nightblade class could give, as well as other classes. Regardless of price, everyone may as well just play an imperial as their main melee toon since they get a whopping 12% to base health, 10% base stamina, and 10% chance of getting a good amount of hp return on melee attacks, made further overpowered due to the champion system and various passives (undaunted and others). Why even bother with any other race?
Regardless of being a 'purchase only' race, it does not mean they should excel heavily in both pve and pvp situations over other races, while the khajiit have an underminded feel around it given that their hp regen passive is the worst in the game, and have yet to be fixed or improved by the huge update.
So for the time being, I am done playing this game and hope that someday that Khajiit will be competitive once more.. but I will be keeping an eye on patch notes in hopes of racial balancing.
Who cares about end game at mid game? I'm playing a dual wielding Khajiit templar and enjoying it. I have an Altmer sorcerer that could probably be my end game guy if I plan on going the distance but I doubt I ever will as grinding to the top isn't my focus, I simply create a character that I like and play.
I know it's an mmo but I don't understand the need to squeeze everything out of a character and try to be the best of the best, picking only the best setup even if you don't like you even enjoy your time playing like that? It seems like it would feel like more of a chore then fun.
Meh, while I have a lower level Khajiiti Magicka Templar, I sometimes wonder if I should have picked a "better" race for it. I just like the look of the guy, and had a concept in mind and went for it.