The early zones tend to have lots of farmers, because everyone is broke and can't afford to buy the mats. As you go forward in the zones, farming gets easier. So, there are lots of nodes to farm, more than you would believe, they have just been grabbed before you got there.
There is a addon that notes the Harvest Node and shows it on your map, its called Harvest Map. For the consoles, there are maps on line that show where the nodes are generally. Those maps can help you plan your path for a farm run.
Farm late at night or early in the morning if you want the most nodes. Nodes also tend to be near cliff faces and rock outcroppings so look there. I don't think you need Keen Eye as metal nodes are the easiest to see next to Enchanting once you know what to look for.
Quite frankly, I get almost all my mats from deconstruction of mob loot, not farming nodes. That being said, as I go about, I will hit a node if its along my way. It is also amazing how many nodes there really are in the game. You see this when you get to post Main Quest and start doing the other zones for Caldwells Silver and Gold. By then, most people are not farming so you trip over the nodes.
Iron ore (that makes iron ingots) is found in Stros m'kai, Betnhik and Glenumbra.
High iron ore (that makes steel ingots) is found in Stormhaven and lower level part of Rivenspire.
Orichalcum is found in Stormhaven (rare), Rivenspire and the lower levels of Alik'r Desert.
The base formula is as that the levels you can create gear for are also the levels of the area you can find the ingredients. Below level it can allready be find as a rare node, but never above level.
So Orichalcum is used for gear that makes level 26-34 armor.
So it can be found as a rare thing in Stormhaven, but mostly in Rivenspire (lvl 24-31) and the lower level parts of Alik'r Desert (lvl 31-37)
Thank you very much! I am in fact on the consoles so I am not able to download addons but the maps sound helpful. One more question, though. Do you believe refining iron ore can yield the same rewards as refining something like orichalcum?
Thank you very much! I am in fact on the consoles so I am not able to download addons but the maps sound helpful. One more question, though. Do you believe refining iron ore can yield the same rewards as refining something like orichalcum?
You mean as far as getting Tempers and the like, yes. Your Extraction Passive determines what you get out of the stack, not what the stack is.
As for maps, Rivenspire is all rocks, it's easy to find them there. Besides, the ore you get in Rivenspire sticks out like a sore thumb, just go along and you will find it.