Provisioning vs Crafting.

I come out of the womb knowing how to craft the sturdiest of armors. I need to beat up monsters or steal from people to learn how to put grapes in a damn jar. Why? Why is this a thing? Society has taught me we will fiercely guard weapon and defense secrets but people will sell their grandma's recipe to the food network. Just saying. Why can't I buy them from an NPC vendor or just know them. Or HEY maybe a stupid writ won't ask me to make two specific things, just saying.
  • CitraBenzoet_ESO
    Because if you dont learn how to properly put those grapes in a jar then you die from botulism
    DC- Sir Citra Benzoet v15
    The Psijic Order - 0.016%
    Mara's Moxie
  • Jayne_Doe
    This has been sort of a pet peeve of mine since the beginning. I can walk up to any blacksmithing station and, provided I have the appropriate materials, I can make a cuirass! That fit's me perfectly!

    But, I walk up to a cooking fire and can't even drop in a carrot to make Carrot Soup? What, I have a carrot here, can't I drop it into the pot? How hard is it to boil a carrot? Wait, I need to find the recipe first?

    At the very least, I think that characters should start with knowing how to make the level 1 recipes. That's all they know off the bat, but it's enough to get started, and they still have to find the higher level ones.
  • Nestor
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    At the very least, I think that characters should start with knowing how to make the level 1 recipes. That's all they know off the bat, but it's enough to get started, and they still have to find the higher level ones.

    Well, one each of the Greens. Know one Health, one Magic and one Stamina recipe from the get go. Make the recipes random across characters, but within that framework. This way certain ingredients don't become pricey.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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