will the Black Senche-Panther or any mounts like it every be for sale again?

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Soul Shriven
So, I looked over the forums and couldn't find something that answered my question. Would Zenimax bring back the Panther? My friend and I were so pumped when we hear about the new mount coming out and couldn't wait. We had been planing for a while to get it but waited a little while. The day I got the money to get the mount was the day after the sale ended... I was and still am heart broken every time I see that mount. I was just wondering if there will ever be another chance to get that mount.
  • Robbie575
    Man I hope so. Console players deserve a chance to get it, and I think they said that we would get a chance. But I just don't see why it takes so long to put it out. They could put it out now for release, and then in like 9 months or a year, they could do a "returning favorites" thing and bring back old mounts.
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  • Rosveen

    1) Clouded Leopard and Lioness haven't been released yet at all.
    2) ZOS said they'll bring the previous senche back for console players.
    3) Previous senche will return on PC too, but it will probably be months before they do so as not to ruin their uniqueness.
  • Maewolf
    Soul Shriven
    I hope so, I really wanted to get the panther. I got the ps4 version and was sad that the sale ended right before the console versions came out. I really don't want to ride around on a horse mount.
  • SOLDIER_1stClass
    Someone asked the same question in the link below and Zenimax responded with saying that console players would get a chance at all the limited crown events that PC had eventually. Hope this answers your question.

    Edited by SOLDIER_1stClass on June 21, 2015 7:19AM
  • oric1992
    Soul Shriven
    Someone asked the same question in the link below and Zenimax responded with saying that console players would get a chance at all the limited crown events that PC had eventually. Hope this answers your question.


    I'm on PC and was wondering if they were bringing it back on PC but thanks for the imput :blush:
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They did say just because it says limited time does not mean it will never be offered again. Just who knows how long before they do offer it again. Could be months could be weeks.
  • Kittievamp
    Soul Shriven
    I would be extremely excited! I know the lioness was just released, but to have a tiger, black panther or the clouded leopard would be better! The sooner the better, since I'm sure many console players would gladly get them.
  • Volkodav
    I wish the shapes of the Cat mounts would differ a bit.They are all the same cat with just different patterns and colors.Perhaps a male Lion with mane and tufted tail. I'd pay for that one!
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