AlienDiplomat wrote: »
Seems like everyone is asking for the same exact PvP character. ESDOTA
It's a progression MMO. If you don't like the fact that people grow in power over time, you may be in the wrong sort of game.
Wonderful... the only campaign I have any enjoyment playing and DC has decided to paint it blue. Buncha losers.
bosmern_ESO wrote: »If someone earned the CP they should be able to use it, if you think its 'unfair' then maybe you should go get CP to benefit yourself instead of crying for change on the forums because the game isnt tailored to you.
Valen_Byte wrote: »bosmern_ESO wrote: »If someone earned the CP they should be able to use it, if you think its 'unfair' then maybe you should go get CP to benefit yourself instead of crying for change on the forums because the game isnt tailored to you.
Perhaps you just don't understand the concept of a Non-Vet campaign.
Its for us casual players who don't have all day to sit around farming CP.
With my limited time to play, (Some of us work full time and have families to take care of) I don't want to spend it farming. I just want to hop in and play. That is exactly what Blackwater Blade is for.
I almost consider it an exploit for the hardcore elite players to come in and just wreck everything in there path. The only reason they are there is that they know that they have an unfair advantage.
Its just like one of Syphers latest videos where he is just totally owning like 20 players all by himself. He even said he felt bad and said that it wasn't fair at all.
Champion system needs to be looked at. Just like the PVP buffs needed to be looked at.
I don't mind dying in a fair fight. I mind getting killed in three seconds by someone that I cant do any damage to.
I do have champion points. I'm up to 92 as of last night. Honestly, even with that low of points, I feel too strong sometimes. I can tell when I am fighting someone who has less than me. They go down fairly fast.
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
Huckdabuck wrote: »Valen_Byte wrote: »bosmern_ESO wrote: »If someone earned the CP they should be able to use it, if you think its 'unfair' then maybe you should go get CP to benefit yourself instead of crying for change on the forums because the game isnt tailored to you.
Perhaps you just don't understand the concept of a Non-Vet campaign.
Its for us casual players who don't have all day to sit around farming CP.
With my limited time to play, (Some of us work full time and have families to take care of) I don't want to spend it farming. I just want to hop in and play. That is exactly what Blackwater Blade is for.
I almost consider it an exploit for the hardcore elite players to come in and just wreck everything in there path. The only reason they are there is that they know that they have an unfair advantage.
Its just like one of Syphers latest videos where he is just totally owning like 20 players all by himself. He even said he felt bad and said that it wasn't fair at all.
Champion system needs to be looked at. Just like the PVP buffs needed to be looked at.
I don't mind dying in a fair fight. I mind getting killed in three seconds by someone that I cant do any damage to.
I do have champion points. I'm up to 92 as of last night. Honestly, even with that low of points, I feel too strong sometimes. I can tell when I am fighting someone who has less than me. They go down fairly fast.
Or perhaps you are mistaken by thinking that a non-Vet campaign is made for casuals instead of what the name implies......NON-VET players (ie ANY and ALL characters that have not yet attained a vet ranking of 1 which is also inclusive of people who have lowbie alts).
Valen_Byte wrote: »Huckdabuck wrote: »Valen_Byte wrote: »bosmern_ESO wrote: »If someone earned the CP they should be able to use it, if you think its 'unfair' then maybe you should go get CP to benefit yourself instead of crying for change on the forums because the game isnt tailored to you.
Perhaps you just don't understand the concept of a Non-Vet campaign.
Its for us casual players who don't have all day to sit around farming CP.
No, it's for all Non-Veteran players to jump in and pvp without having to worry about a V-14 blowing them up in 1 second. Which is what happened prior to the creation of the non-vet campaign.
With my limited time to play, (Some of us work full time and have families to take care of) I don't want to spend it farming. I just want to hop in and play. That is exactly what Blackwater Blade is for.
That's exactly what most other folks are wanting to do and are doing themselves.
I almost consider it an exploit for the hardcore elite players to come in and just wreck everything in there path. The only reason they are there is that they know that they have an unfair advantage.
Honestly they would probably wreck everything in their path on the V-14's as well. Welcome to pvp. Must nerf 1.5 years of experience (that's the only advantage they truly have) in pvp because it's just totally OP.
Its just like one of Syphers latest videos where he is just totally owning like 20 players all by himself. He even said he felt bad and said that it wasn't fair at all.
He was fighting non-veteran players on his V-14 who were in a console veteran campaign. He wasn't on a lowbie wrecking lowbies although he does have a lowbie sorc video out there pre-1.6 where he was.
Champion system needs to be looked at. Just like the PVP buffs needed to be looked at.
Can't disagree with this.
I don't mind dying in a fair fight. I mind getting killed in three seconds by someone that I cant do any damage to.
Take the good with the bad and move along.
I do have champion points. I'm up to 92 as of last night. Honestly, even with that low of points, I feel too strong sometimes. I can tell when I am fighting someone who has less than me. They go down fairly fast.
Placebo effect I'm guessing since there's no way for you to tell if they are lower in CP or player skill. I'm at almost 300 CPs and honestly I still have a tough time killing some builds out there in lowbie due to the lack of abilities.
Or perhaps you are mistaken by thinking that a non-Vet campaign is made for casuals instead of what the name implies......NON-VET players (ie ANY and ALL characters that have not yet attained a vet ranking of 1 which is also inclusive of people who have lowbie alts).
Did you have any thoughts on weather or not they should remove CP from Blackwater? Or did you just come here to flame me and argue over semantics?
Jessica Folsom wrote:It's a very grey area.
Just to make some corrections to some misinformation and flawed thinking... the current Emperor Togetherness (name says it all) only has 183 CP's. Guess champion points is just another thing to complain about. PvP is meant to be competitive if you can’t compete I guess you complain.
PeggymoeXD wrote: »If you can't beat em, whine about em. I play ESO on a consistent basis and have 180 CP's. While in BWB I have a level 45, which means I am not earning any while playing. Yeah, it's technically an advantage. But dude, I've been playing this game since beta. Players like me are going to have more experience, have earned more rewards, and just flat out be better than someone who just recently picked the game up. That's all part of an MMO.