I just want to publicly thank TheHeroQueen for giving me a WW bite last night. I was a noob, you were patient. I appreciate it. I'd been spending so much time waiting for night and spawns never to find any.
Wanted to let you know I plan on paying your kindness forward and helping another person looking for WW when I can do it. If you ever need help with anything just let me know TheHeroQueen!
Looking for vampire bite. I'm a dark elf so I would be in ebonheart pact.
Psn: Corbeth
North America
Had a blood fiend once but someone killed it before it could bite me. Haven't seen one since.
I would really appreciate if anyone could give me a werewolf bite. I'm a lower level but have handled lvl 40s before.
Psn- PyrometheusDrakco
NA server
Aldmeri dominion
Thank you! And please psn message me it's easier than this
Hello everyone! I am in the process of leveling up my character in the Ebonheart Pact, and I am kindly asking for a Vampire bite if at all possible! My user is D-E-V-o_3, if anyone would be interested in kindly giving me the bite! Also, I am the founder of a thieves guild who also gives both Vampire and Werewolf bites free of charge in all alliances. Most of us understand how hard it is to get a bite in-game due to players asking great payment for the bite that usually ends in failure due to the collector of the payment scamming out the client by taking the money and fleeing. You pay 60+ for the game, we believe you should be able to enjoy the full experience and wish not to pester you with payment or any strings attached on giving out bites. You don't have to join the Guild, however it be appreciated if you did. If per sae you did, we could hopefully spread these 'daedric gifts in great rapid succession! I mean not to make this a guild recruitment post, but I hope to recieve a vampire bite if possible, and be able to help others in return; without cost, of course. Many thanks for your time reading this post! Message me on PSN if your interested in giving me the bite or looking for a bite. http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/199689/the-malformed-fortune-all-purposes-thieves-guild-all-interested-welcome-ps4-na-servers#latest
I have a WW bite in all 3 Alliances ready to go. I prefer to give them away for free but I'm short on gold at the moment. Instead I want to sell it for cheap. 2-2.5k is what I'm asking for. PSN: Klaus_Stark
I have vampire bite available server north american alliance is ebonheart pact i am at shrine right now offering bite 10k my psn is vandettaa88 c u soon