Thanks to everyone who reached out to me. I have kept your names and as my cool down comes up i will go down the list as each week comes up and check to see if you still need a bite. I was fortunate enough to be in area chat at the time when i completed a transaction.A lot of people who had been scammed earlier grouped up with me and are now on my future list. The nice thing was i made a bunch of new friends and we went and ran PVP, and will be playing together in the future.
The reason I bring this up is there seems to be no way to avoid someone scamming, though people in area chat will call someone out.
I propose on these forums to keep a running list of honest vs dishonest vamps and wolves so people can check the comprehensive list at a glance just in case. Though not a perfect solution, it could be very helpful to reduce the amount of players losing large sums of money.This of course wont help with those players who get bit and run, but if they did they can be added on the list so when they get the skill people are leery.
Also I took half up front and bit and then got the second half of the payment from an honest player this helped reduce my risk.
Easy enough start a list and use the quote function to keep the list growing.I will start with new post.
Recently bitten vampire here offering his services. I will 100% guarantee you that I will not scam you. Being scammed twice myself prior to becoming a vamp, I know how it feels and simply would not do that to anyone.
To ease your suspicions, I promise to party up with you and send you a screen shot of me with my cursor on your character at the shrine showing that I have a bite to give. Message me on PSN: DIMI_rss.
Looking to TRADE a werewolf bite for a vampire bite. VAMPIRE BITE NEEDS TO HAPPEN FIRST. I hate to sound like a d*ck but have seen too many people get screwed on this. PSN is the same as forum name. NA PS4 Server, AD.
Alright. Since posting here I have given a vampire bite in Daggerfall for free, and a werewolf bite in Ebonhart for free. I got tired of waiting and got scammed for 5k twice. It's not much money but it's just irritating trying to find someone to actually bite you. It's a waste of time, especially when you've given out bites for free.
As it stands now, I still don't have a vampire bite in Ebonhart but if someone would want to be cool and give one out, I would appreciate it.
I posted looking for a bite and was solisted by LutherMonster for a PSN Card, then harrassed by titan_up021 for refuseing to pay for the bite. they dont even play ESO. Dont Pay anyone a dime, at the very least get your bite first.
Username: Feizao
Alliance: Ebonheart NA
*As of this moment, I will be away from PS4 for a while and will not be on until the 16th or 17th of July. Message me on ps4 for more info.
Thank you
PS4 NA lsoSO4P
EP - Dark Elf - MagBlade Vamp
EP - Nord - Stam/MagDk
EP - Argonian - StamCro
EP - Nord - StamPlar/Hybrid Healer
AD - Khajit - StamBlade/Tank
AD - Khajit - StormSorc/Hybrid WW
DC - Breton - MagDen