Looking for a bite on evo heart pact ps4 I've been scammed twice because I really had no idea what I was doing. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me out.
Coolboot07-og- is a scammer [NA EP]. Don't trust that ***. So still looking for vamp bite...
psn Muse_DV
Thanks for the information. I just sent him a message seeking a vamp bite. If anyone gets scammed by someone within this forum, please post their forum name and PSN ID so that people will know not to trust them. I will try to make a running list of known scammers within this forum. It's a shame that people are being so shady about this.
Another known scammer (scammed me, albeit not for much gold): stevenallday
That being said, I'm still looking to buy a vamp bite, PS4 NA EB. Msg me on PSN: DIMI_rss. After I'm bitten, I will post on this forum indicating that you were legitimate and gave me the bite for the tendered gold. Your inbox will be flooded with interested buyers and you can have some steady cash flow per week!
LF Vamp Bite
Daggerfall Cov.
PSN- MyrmidonSoldier
N.A Server
"No more entreating, by knees or parents. I only wish my fury would compel me
to cut away your flesh and eat it raw for what you've done. No one can keep the dogs
off of your head, not if they brought me ransom of ten or twenty times as much, or more"
Hey Daggerfall Covenant here. Looking for a werewolf bite if possible. I'll be on later today. My PSN is Golden_Ace91. Please feel free to add me as well. I'd definitely appreciate it. Thank you
My werewolf in Ebonheart is ready to go and sitting at the shrine. I started a new character in Daggerfall and I want to get bitten. He is also sitting at the shrine and ready to receive.
So If you've got a wolf in Daggerfall, or have a friend with a wolf in Daggerfall, and you want a bite in Ebonheart, or have a friend you want to get bitten in Ebonheart, hit me up.
Looking for Vamp Bite, Ebonheart Pact
Also Coolboot07-og- (same forum name as PSN) is a scammer. Will take you to the shrine ask for money first and port out. He's still posting here saying he has werewolf bite now...he just scammed me yesterday, I have psn message logs to prove it if he starts calling me out.