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Xbox One NA – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • dragonbeastsb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    If someone could give me Vampirism, it would be much appreciated! Willing to give some gold or materials in exchange! :)

    Gamertag: Sparky2500

    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact

    I should be available for most of today, well that is after Xbox One maintenance server issues are fixed.
  • GreenArrow_Merc
    GreenArrow Merc Bites!

    GT: GreenArrow Merc
    Alliance: Ebon
    Bites available: 5 wolf and 2 Vamp bites every week
    Xbox NA Server

    Have bitten over 70 ppl, just started playing again, but I'm sure you can go back through this forum and see my name mentioned multiple times, reliable and trustworthy
  • PhantomDarkZ
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite

    Gamertag: PhantomFireflyX
    Alliance: Almeria Dominion
    NA Server

    I will be available for a few more hours today, then quite a few hours throughout the week. Thank you!
  • Kaliahe
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite
    Gamertag: Potensky
    Alliance: Dominion
    NA Server - Xbox One
  • Powerhaus
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite
    Gamertag: TheOnePowerhaus
    Alliance: Ebonheart
    NA Server - Xbox One
  • Patricolus
    Looking for vampire bite
    Gamer tag: Schlessy
    Alliance: Ebonheart pact
    NA Server - Xbox One
  • pyr0maniac989
    Soul Shriven

    I'm looking for Vampire bite on the xboxone North American server, Ebonheart.
    I don't check the forums often so you're better off messaging me on xbox, pyr0maniac989
    Yes, that is a zero unstead of an o.
    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated, I'm free most times.
    Edited by pyr0maniac989 on June 15, 2016 1:54PM
  • GreenArrow_Merc
    GreenArrow Bites!!!

    GT: GreenArrow Merc
    Alliance: Ebonheart
    Bites available: 5 wolf and 2 Vamp bites every week
    Xbox NA Server

    Have bitten over 70 ppl, just started playing again, but I'm sure you can go back through this forum and see my name mentioned multiple times, reliable and trustworthy
    Edited by GreenArrow_Merc on June 17, 2016 3:17PM
  • steven1656
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for Vampire Bite

    Xbox One

    Server: North American (NA)

    GamerTag: Xeviii

    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion

    Message me on Xbox, I am on right now as well
  • R_Shadows
    Page 88
    Edited by R_Shadows on July 13, 2016 2:18AM
    Ebonheart Pact
    Guild: CROM
    North American Server
  • MochaMickey
    I'm looking for a vampire bite! I'm in the Aldmeri Dominion, and I have another character that can give the werewolf bite if you want it
    EP - Dunmer Templar - Naraï Fireheart
  • Rikuen
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox One
    NA Server
    GT: X F a c t o r
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Looking for Werewolf bite
    Please message if available
  • Darkwillovv9
    Soul Shriven
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion

    Gametag: DarkwillowVV

    Bite: Vampire

    Server: NA

    Thank you for your help!
  • anaxes16
    Soul Shriven
    Hey everyone! Looking for a free vamp bite pls =P

    Server: NA
    Char: Templar CP 225
    GT: xI Hellbound Ix
    Alliance: Aldimiri

    Just shoot me a message if interested thanks!
    Edited by anaxes16 on June 22, 2016 5:14PM
  • Dante_Ravenkin
    Looking for someone willing to give me a Vampire bite please.

    Daggerfall Covenant
    Gamertag: Dante Ravenkin

    Please just message my gamertag. I'm currently online as well.

    thank you
    'This throne is arguably the most uncomfortable piece of furniture in the Kingdom. And I get to use it.'
  • Skullstachio
    If you are looking to be blessed by hircines gift of Lycanthropy*, Look for "Grim Hallowed" at the werewolf shrine in Riften north of the Giants Camp around 3:30pm (AEST) on Xbox One. (only if you are with the Ebonheart Pact)

    *The Lycanthropy is free, no gold needed.

    (Anyone sending "unnecessary" Xbox LIVE messages will have that message reported as spam & the sender reported to Xbox LIVE for infringement of the Xbox LIVE CoC in accordance to Section H: Paragraphs 6 or 9 Respectively. You have been warned)
    Edited by Skullstachio on June 23, 2016 3:10AM
    If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...

    If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
  • Lilacgooseberries
    Hello! I'm seeking a werewolf bite! I'm DC.

    My GT is WhiteHarpy!
    Main Char: Daggerfall Covenant/ Female/ Khajiit / NA server.
  • Lilacgooseberries
    R_Shadows wrote: »
    Ebonheart Pact | Aldmeri Dominion | Daggerfall Covenant
    North American Server
    I have 2 Vampire bites and 2 Werewolf bites available For Ebonheart Pact and 1 Wolf bite and Vampire bite for Aldmeri Dominion and now 1 Wolf bite and 1 Vampire bite in Daggerfall. Please before you message me make sure you're on the above. Thanks. :smiley:

    Ebonheart Pact
    Vampire 1: Taken. Avail. 6/24/16 @6pm PST
    Vampire 2: Taken. Avail. 6/26/16 @10:15pm PST
    Wolf 1: Taken. Avail. 6/28/16 @11pm PST
    Wolf 2: Taken. Avail. 6/29/16 @8pm PST

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Wolf: Taken. Avail. 6/30/16 @6pm PST
    Vampire: Taken. Avail. 6/23/16 @8pm PST

    Daggerfall Covenant
    Wolf: Available
    Vampire: Taken. Avail. 6/25/16 @3:24pm PST

    GT: R Shadows
    I update this post Frequently.

    I've been looking for a werewolf bite! I've messaged you on Xbox live.
    Main Char: Daggerfall Covenant/ Female/ Khajiit / NA server.
  • kylelyons91
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite

    Gamertag: i FizX i
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    NA Server
  • TommyD93
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite
    Gamertag: Tom Chilled
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Please message if interested :D
    Edited by TommyD93 on July 2, 2016 12:10PM
  • AzraeLTheDarkKnight
    Looking for a Ebonheart Pact Werewolf bite...
    GT: TorukMakto S117, Xbox One [NA],
    forums.bethsoft.com ID: AzraelTheDarkKnight
    Guild: Azrael's Brotherhood
    Radeamer: Wood Elf Knightsblade (Second Alt: DPS/Werewolf)
    Achilles xi: Khajiit Dragonknight (Main: Tank/Werewolf)
    Saleena xi: High Elf Sorceress (Alt: Healer/Vampire)
  • LUC1D7
    GT: LUC1D7
    NA - AD

    Seeking vamp bite - currently at vamp shrine.

    Also after I get this bite I'll have a bite available on my main.
  • Rockndude
    I have 1 werewolf and 1 vampire bite weekly on AD. Guildmates and Friends have priority but it has been a while since any of them wanted it.

    Message me at my gamertag: rockndude

    Also, I am looking for a vampire bite for my stam nb on AD.
  • Duelkiller
    GamerTag: JRGuzman96
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    System: Xbox One
    Server: NA
    Bite looking for: werewolf
  • Kalrendon
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for: vampire bite
    System: Xbox one
    Server: NA
    Gamertag: ColdSpartan117
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Message me anytime. I'm always on.
  • Iceedemon888
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for: vampire bite
    System: Xbox one
    Server: NA
    Gamertag: Iceedemon888
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
  • Strei_Kiinxei
    Greetings fellow ESO'ers,

    I am wanting to make my newest character a vampire. Just created him yesterday. This will be my second vampire character, though my Dunmer is EP and my other vampire is DC.

    Platform: Xbox One

    Server: NA

    GT: xI SlateWolf Ix (those are capital i's next to the lowercase x's)

    Any help with a bite will be much appreciated thanks :)

    Edit: Just received a bite
    Edited by Strei_Kiinxei on July 7, 2016 10:55PM
  • Divayth_Fyr724
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vampire bite

    Xbox One
    Server: NA
    GT: ZARIX47
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact

    Message me any time, will be grateful.
  • Hutch679
    LF werewolf bite Xbox One NA - GT Hutch679
  • Flitzbane
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for: Vampire Bite
    System: Xbox one
    Server: NA
    Gamertag: Flitzbane
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion

    Message me please!

    Update: Got Bite thanks!!!
    Edited by Flitzbane on July 10, 2016 10:22PM
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