We are now at 60+ people going ham on this ***, we have Werewolf / Vampire blood lines right now!! but those aren't free unless you prove yourself to the guild
We are helpful anyway we can, no annoying nonsense though - Mostly 20+ year olds in the guild but age doesn't define maturity lol
Send me ( YelaDeer ) a msg of your gamertag on here and i'll see that you get added then we can chat it up in Guild Chat - mainly channel 1 -
All types of people / toons welcome, we are mainly focusing on PVP because of the shear awesomeness of it but obviously have to PVE to grind out that real xp
- Hoping to hear from a lot of people as we are looking to grow and crush Aldmeri Dominion / Daggerfall Covenant in PVP - SCREW THOSE GUYS
PS: Always remember, have fun, and Scroll Elders...