Guild/Group questions

I'm new to MMO's so please bear with this newbie. Naturally I have some questions;
1 - Do all Guilds have to be part of a Covenant? If so, does that mean I have the join a Guild of the same Covenant as I elected when I began (Daggerfall)?
2 - How do I find, and join, a group with only 3 or 4 players at around level 10? I've mostly seen people looking for Guilds at level 15 and above. Would it be better to start my own?
3 - Is there a difference between a Guild and a Group?
4 - Must I have a mic to communicate?
Any help is greatfully accepted. Thanks in advance.
  • xeneblaze

    1. No not really. A guild can be created in a faction eg DaggerFall Covenant, but it can have members from the other 2 factions as long as the players' characters are on the same megaserver (UE or NA)
    2. I am not sure about this as I haven't needed to do this.
    3. Yes a group is a temporary grouping of players where quests can be shared and they can help each other out.
    A guild is a permant (unless disbanded) organised collective with a Guildmaster who generally leads it. Guilds can have several hundred members (I think its 300) and have use of a guild bank (with 500 slots) and Heraldry.
    4. Yes as the only other way you can communicate wth group members is through emotes.

    Hope that helps :)
    GuildMaster of Wolves of Destiny
    A fun, social, safe-gaming guild - add Xene68 on PSN with a short message if you would like to join!
  • Zephyr01
    Yes, it helps a great deal, thank you.

    Now I know that I want to join a Group made up of anyone around my own level and that I need a mic. Again, thanks for your help.
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