Download/update problems

Hello there, a number of problems encountered over the past week. Submitted tickets but support took 3 days to reply without providing any useful information. I thought maybe forum users and admin might be able to identify the problem(s) and provide the appropriate solutions to them.

1) Steam version of the game overwritten itself, voiding the existing files. As a result, I had to download the ~60 gb again at ~500 kb/s. No changes were made to system prior to that. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? It is incredibly frustrating when you restore a backup version of the game and that isn't even detected/recognised.

2) On a separate occasion, last week, non-Steam launcher also decided to force repair the launcher AND the game, the latter resulted in a fresh download. This turned into a download loop, like the ones in the early days of ESO. Launcher is up-to-date as is the game version (happened before 2.0.11), having last played the game around 12 hours before the said 'forced repair'. What is happening here? Is there a way to circumvent the forced repairs and unnecessary downloads? What should I do to prevent this from happening again in the future?

3) After point 1 download was completed, the client launcher that was launched through Steam had to update the remaining game and apply patches. Progress gets reset as usual as it goes through presumably several iterations of update; but when it is 'finished', pressing play results in a version error and thus restarts the whole process. This has never happened to me before - does it imply certain system settings were changed by other programmes? No system changes were knowingly made in the period of concerned. Has this been a recurring problem for others? What is the appropriate solution to resolve it?

4) While Steam gives you the option to limit the download speed in intervals below 1 mb/s, the ESO client launcher does not. Is there a way to manually impose a download limit of say, 512 kb/s?

5) In the aftermath of the 2.0.11 patch earlier, Steam failed to validate the integrity of the game cache again, and forced another 'update'. This resulted in an extra 35 gb 'update' to re-acquire 412 files that failed to validate. This has never happened to me before, for all the patches that took place since it was made available on Steam (which was until now, one of my perceived advantage of Steam over its other version). Again, is there a way to resolve this without having to download it again? If not, or otherwise, is there a way to prevent this from happening in the future?

Thanks in advance.
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