21 spots open: AFK @ Rawl'kha Outlaw Refuge (5/1/17) [NA] Trade Guild w/o recurring fees

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Slansing
    Soul Shriven
    Sure, I think I'll have space: PSN: Slansing

    I'm also curious how artisan/bite trading works in the guild when you're saying you have a solid system in place.

    Anyway, thanks in advance!
  • I3ircl
    Soul Shriven
    Psn: i3ircL
  • ShonTsu
    Soul Shriven
    PSN shon_tsu
  • Seepuh
    Invited everyone through Tsu
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • Seepuh
    Invites to main AFK sent as I freed up spots :)
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • ParkwayDrive23
    Can I get an invite please?
    Parkway_Drive21 - Thanks in advance!
    Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.
  • Seepuh
    Invited, 9 spots open
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • tibbaryllis2
    Tibbaryllis2 for one of the open slots if you still have them. Please and thanks!
  • tibbaryllis2
    Tactica01 as well
  • Seepuh
    Invited, about 5 spots left until I free up more
    Edited by Seepuh on July 15, 2015 5:35PM
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • GeekCred
  • Seepuh
    Invites sent
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • Darrenwhitehouse
    I would love to be a part of this! My PSN is Darrenwhitehouse thanks! My friend would also like to join. His PSN is dbdette103
  • Grampus2012
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I am currently at Vet 11 with my warewolf nightblade. My alliance is AD and I mostly do grinding and geathering ftm. I don't mind giving off free bites to guildies once the cooldown is off. For craftsmanship I have woodworking and clothing mastered and skill point spent on. Please contact or send me an invite if you are interested.

    PSN: Grampus2012
  • FangedChicken
    Soul Shriven
    PSN FangedChicken
    Alliance: Daggerfall
    Crafts: Enchanting, Tailoring
  • Seepuh
    I've invited everyone once or twice while playing today so if you haven't received one please send me a PSN message so that we can confirm the next invitation is received. I love this game but its finicky at times...
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • Seepuh
    Spots freed up
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • Ballisticspartan
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: ballisticspartan
  • nightworld
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: reiru_toresa
    Dominion - VR6
    Werewolf & vampire
  • Paulngnyc
    Psn Buttonfly
    Want to join the wait list again.

    Playing every night and need a place to sell the drops.
    Just hit VR1

  • rucrazzzy
    Please invite Rucrazzzy
  • braveone8
    Soul Shriven
    Psn: Braveone888

    Active player. Play at least 5 nights a week
  • braveone8
    Soul Shriven
    Psn: Braveone888

    Active player. Play at least 5 nights a week

    Forgot to add. Am WW. Templar. Just hit V1
  • entreritjqwe
    psn terryboom111
  • Seepuh
    All in invites went out
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
  • PepperedHam
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in being added to the waiting list!

    PSN is LordHoag
    PSN:LordHoag Faction:Aldmeri Dominion Region:North America
  • Morrow28

    I'd like to join please =)
  • jrmn78
    Psn: caligula_07302

    I'll always have 30 listings in the store.
  • SSlarg
    Faction: Aldmeri Dominion

    Veteran Rank 3 Dragonknight/Vampire

    I Sell A LOT of EPICS

    PSN - SSlarg
    PS4 NA PSN - SSlarg
    Currently Looking To Buy:
  • Seepuh
    Brief update: Held off on a trader this week and will get a better one Monday.
    Edited by Seepuh on July 22, 2015 6:56PM
    PSN: Seepuh
    Guild: AFK Our massive NA trade guild spanning all factions!

    One man with courage makes a majority.
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