What character should I create?

Soul Shriven
I currently have a lvl 15 Khajiit DK and my character is very weak in pvp and even just doing quests, I have spent my skill points randomly and I need to create a new character, I would like to be able to heal people and use destruction magic with people I am in groups with yet still be able to do good damage and have good health, any suggestions if possible?
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    Well for one gear like Seducer and Warlock at low levels are great, being in PvP on a low level toon is next to no fun unless of course you have crafted gear and 200+ Champion Points. Also it's all about your play style major in what you like if you want to smash face go for power but remember you will need to heal as well as fight, if you want to heal go for magic but remember you will need to be able to live on your own at times it's all about balance
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • jmorgan14
    Soul Shriven
    Gone for a
    Well for one gear like Seducer and Warlock at low levels are great, being in PvP on a low level toon is next to no fun unless of course you have crafted gear and 200+ Champion Points. Also it's all about your play style major in what you like if you want to smash face go for power but remember you will need to heal as well as fight, if you want to heal go for magic but remember you will need to be able to live on your own at times it's all about balance

    Gone for a high elf sorcerer, healing and destruction being main two Its doing well so far, thanks!
  • dsalter
    a male high elf with a big bubble butt for the giggles but then go sorc magicka, your practically invincible if you know how to play it due to how well rounded sorcs are
    Edited by dsalter on June 16, 2015 7:48PM
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Snit
    "Heal people and use destruction magic...."

    OP, any class can work with that, as long as it's magicka-based. Templar or Nightblade will make the best healer. Sorc or DK will be the best magickal DPS. For your race, the best choices would be Altmer or Breton. Dunmer will also work fairly well, and be the best choice if you pick DK. Others can succeed, but those are the ones most likely to remain optimal.

    While leveling, learn both Resto and Destro staves, and wear at least five pieces of light armor. Put two points in magicka for every one point in health.

    Finally, find a decent guild. That's the single most important thing ;)
    Edited by Snit on June 16, 2015 11:37PM
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

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