hi i ve been struggling with this for a while now. as i need to refine raw materials to unlock a white dye. but yet i dont have any. all i get is irons and regular stuff from destroying an armor , sword etc.
isnt there a way to get raw materials by melting iron lets say? or any other way?
any idea?
hi i ve been struggling with this for a while now. as i need to refine raw materials to unlock a white dye.
Let me get this out of the way first so you are not frustrated later on. You need 3,000 Refining Operations to unlock that dye. Meaning you have to refine 30,000 ores/raw woods/raw cloths/raw leathers.
As for unlocking dyes, you do that with Achievements. Some are easy to get, some are hard, some just take lots of time. Look at the Undead Slayer for a White dye, that is doable in not too much time, if you can find enough ghosts (easier in AD than in other alliances)
Aett_Thorn wrote: »For dyes, there are usually a few that can be gotten easily just through playing the game, regardless of color. However, the more vivid colors tend to be rarer, and require you to complete various activities. I think that makes a lot of sense. Even me, who isn't an active achievement hunter, has access to a wide variety of colors to choose from just from normal play.
@ Epona222 yeah i saw such guides. was talking about dye guides. how to unlock certain dyes. i saw some required to be level 50. disappointed me. black and white especially...
If you expand the achievement, it should give you the list of sub-achievements (Cave Delver and Path Finder for each zone). And if you go to those, it will have a list of the places you have to find.
If you look at your map, you can usually guess where there are things you haven't found yet based on the geography.
Getting a variety of dyes is a long-term commitment, but it should happen naturally if you are playing the game.
somehow it does not show me any locations of those caves even when i expand it or click on that quest.
hmm i m surprised there is no guide where those standart caves would ve marked on a map. i remember those when playing guild wars back than. surprised noone made such map with marked locations. the world is so huge i may end up looking forever lol. not even sure how those caves are supposed to look on the map