Return to Bleakrock Isle?

Does anyone know if you can return to Bleakrock after you evacuate? I think I might have missed doing some of the quests and did not get all of the Skyshards.
Tarkus Aquila - Imperial Templar
Klaaz - Khajit Nightblade
Fractiz - Altmer Sorcerer
Jonsir Vheti - Dunmer Dragonknight
Kills-With-Grin - Argonian Dragonknight

Myrddin the Mystic - Breton Warden

PS4 ESOTU Adventurer since June 2015
  • rb2001
    At any time, absolutely.
  • Enodoc
    Yep, you can use the boat you used to get there to start with, or you can teleport there from any Wayshrine.
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  • fractalknight
    Thanks for the responses. I want those Skyshards I left there!
    Tarkus Aquila - Imperial Templar
    Klaaz - Khajit Nightblade
    Fractiz - Altmer Sorcerer
    Jonsir Vheti - Dunmer Dragonknight
    Kills-With-Grin - Argonian Dragonknight

    Myrddin the Mystic - Breton Warden

    PS4 ESOTU Adventurer since June 2015
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