Hey, I have two questions;
Since I haven't been watching ESO's updates for over a half a year and now I wonder about one thing - the horse's leveles. Do I understand it correctly that now I can max everything to 60? For instance I can have 60/60/60 therefore 180lvl horse? Unlike it was previously where you could only have 50lvl horse and have only 2 visual changes (seat/armor/bags)? If so, then when does a newly bought horse with stats 1/1/1 gets his visual changes? Capacity bags for example, does the horse get this change once it hits 60 level in capacity or 30 or something like that?
I've read something about account-shared horses. Does that mean that my V7 character with 50lv Imperial horse can share his horse and let my 48lvl use it? If so then how? When I checked I don't think I saw any option to switch horses in the stables, or am I blind? lol
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