login error EU server?

  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    dpr666 wrote: »
    Is nobody else worried about this 8pm update? First of all is it an update in terms of letting us know what I going on, or a downloadable update?

    Either way I can't help but think we may be waiting to get online for a lot longer.

    There go my Sunday evening plans!

    It's a status update for the EU PS4 login issue, not a patch.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • WelshAssassin1987
    Im not expecting any game time tonight. Just hope they sort this issue out once and for all. To say this launch has been bumpy would be putting it mildly. I've been part of my fair share of mmo launches and this has been quite poor from my experience. Sad as Ive been enjoying what little time I've had to play.
    PSN: Welsh_Assassin26

    EU Server: Ulfmark Ironwolf - Nord - Stamina Sorcerer - EP
  • jumpboy92b16_ESO
    what time will it be fixed?
  • deicide2673
    Great game when I can play. Was thinking about buying sub but not a chance until they have set up servers that work consistently. I know it is early days but they knew people would want to play the game surely?
  • Jiigen
    It's a status update for the EU PS4 login issue, not a patch.

    People were expecting the issue to be (or close to being) resolved at that time. As was I, but that's for clarifying.
    I hope it gets fixed soon, as well as other numerous bugs seen a few minutes into the console game.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Ortalion
    Soul Shriven
    all the sunday cannot play is this a joke or smthing ? Nobody cares for this issues ? Cannot resets the server or something ?
    Login Failded = Teso failed.
    1st problem with login on ESO Launch day one
    2nd in first sunday when we all have time for playing it.
    Totally not profesional that's all. I'm disapointed at all.

  • Rulz4game
    Soul Shriven
  • Jiigen
    You can still login to the American Megaserver and play there.
    But these kind of connection issues, with mass playing players, are sadly all too common for ZOS and ESO.
    Even the PC version is still having these kinds of issues occasionally, or frequently when in Cyrodiil.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • jumpboy92b16_ESO
    yeah hate its down guys wanted to play with some friends now for my birthday today but i cant :(
  • gruffchris
    Soul Shriven
    It's past 8 o'clock where's the update. Still can't log on.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Update: There are no changes to the the status of the login server outage for the PS4 ESOTU megaserver. We are continuing to work on resolving this issue as quickly as possible. We'll have another update at 10PM BST. Thank you all for your patience.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • flaming-ring
    Soul Shriven
    I keep getting.
    Log in timed out. (So I'm not put in a que)
    And also
    Unexpected internal error.

    This is a joke
    These problems should of been sorted in beta
    And they would like us to subscribe to this buggy mess . I was thinking of it , but not now.
    Shame as the game play was fairly good.

    I hope you'll give a generous enough amount of free crowns for this.
  • Gizbyt
    Well there goes this weeks game time ^.^ Always good to subscribe to a service that decides not to let you actually make use of it.

    But cheers for the update Jessica! Not your fault, but cheers for keeping us informed!
  • Mr.knott
    I'm afraid you had all better get used to this! I absolutely love this game and have done since the day it come put on PC. My intentions were always to end up on the PS4 with friends but I can tell you all I've learnt what level of service to expect from Zos and I'm not surprised. I've been unable to spend much time online at all really. It's constantly kicking me out, invisible people, ps4 crashes (which has not happened at all since I purchased it) and not being able to login. I'm afraid you had all better get used to this, as well as 'reset your router' that seems to be the go to response most of the time. Look forward to getting back online.... Sometime tomorrow (after the update) I expect.
  • takeomasaki89
    *** you
  • takeomasaki89
    We want in. And I want an update why I still haven't got my pre order bonus and imperial edition things. And now I can't get in game
  • livernonion
    Soul Shriven
    Messaged ESO support this afternoon in relation to unable to - Cant connect to ps4 EU servers "Login Failed: An unexpected internal error has occurred or connection to server timed out.

    06/14/2015 12:24 PM

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited customer support team! We understand you are experiencing an issue logging into the game.

    You can resolve most login issues by ensuring the following:

    1. Your console is connected to your router with a network cable instead of WiFi
    2. You have forwarded the appropriate ports in your router (please refer to your console manufacturer’s Customer Support Team for assistance)
    3. You have downloaded all required System Updates for your console

    If your issue continues, please refer to your console manufacturer for additional assistance. Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask by replying directly to this email for further assistance.

    Every device I own connects perfectly and all games load on all systems except ESO?

    Update: There are no changes to the the status of the login server outage for the PS4 ESOTU megaserver. We are continuing to work on resolving this issue as quickly as possible. We'll have another update at 10PM BST. Thank you all for your patience.

    Can see this happening every 2 hours through the night..oh well back to witcher.
  • watzilla
    Soul Shriven
    This is ridiculous, I love the game and all that, but not being able to play a 70 pound game is unacceptable
  • tailcoat
    Soul Shriven
    The servers are rubbish and support are worse than clueless.
  • dpr666
    Soul Shriven
    So the 8pm update is that there is no update.

    Absolutely ridiculous.
  • tailcoat
    Soul Shriven
    The length of the outage, given its peak hours in Europe is frankly unacceptable.
  • Mr.knott
    Messaged ESO support this afternoon in relation to unable to - Cant connect to ps4 EU servers "Login Failed: An unexpected internal error has occurred or connection to server timed out.

    06/14/2015 12:24 PM

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited customer support team! We understand you are experiencing an issue logging into the game.

    You can resolve most login issues by ensuring the following:

    1. Your console is connected to your router with a network cable instead of WiFi
    2. You have forwarded the appropriate ports in your router (please refer to your console manufacturer’s Customer Support Team for assistance)
    3. You have downloaded all required System Updates for your console

    If your issue continues, please refer to your console manufacturer for additional assistance. Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask by replying directly to this email for further assistance.

    Every device I own connects perfectly and all games load on all systems except ESO?

    Update: There are no changes to the the status of the login server outage for the PS4 ESOTU megaserver. We are continuing to work on resolving this issue as quickly as possible. We'll have another update at 10PM BST. Thank you all for your patience.

    Can see this happening every 2 hours through the night..oh well back to witcher.

    I can second that, ESO actually managed to pull me away from the fantastic witcher.... I've been back to playing Gwent for the last 3 hours now haha! Probably be playing it for a few days knowing how Zos are!
  • livernonion
    Soul Shriven
    Mr.knott wrote: »

    I can second that, ESO actually managed to pull me away from the fantastic witcher.... I've been back to playing Gwent for the last 3 hours now haha! Probably be playing it for a few days knowing how Zos are!

    Should have Gwent PVP!
  • jonnywatson10
    Soul Shriven
    Couldnt they of just done a quick reboot for the login server and fix the problem afterwards, i got an error whilst ingame and it flung me off hours ago. Only to notice that login screen is screwed, too many bugs and error messages for the first few days, but atleast things can only get better
  • VSeconds
    I regret exiting the game lol
  • TotalVillian
    Soul Shriven
    How About Adding A Second Eu Server.Would Sort The Lag And Log in
  • reguvin
    VSeconds wrote: »
    I regret exiting the game lol


    shouldnt have left the ingame screen
    - Beta Tester
    - PC (2014-2015)
    - Playstation 4 (Since 2015)

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  • granther
    Soul Shriven
    Any news on this login thing I'm still shut out, emailed your custormer service and they told me to get hold off my console manufacturer witch I don't know why considering they won't be able to tell me why your login servers are down??
  • tailcoat
    Soul Shriven
    Ha Ha. Genius "support"
  • Anguished
    Note to self, don't log off while making a brew.
This discussion has been closed.