Is nobody else worried about this 8pm update? First of all is it an update in terms of letting us know what I going on, or a downloadable update?
Either way I can't help but think we may be waiting to get online for a lot longer.
There go my Sunday evening plans!
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »It's a status update for the EU PS4 login issue, not a patch.
livernonion wrote: »Messaged ESO support this afternoon in relation to unable to - Cant connect to ps4 EU servers "Login Failed: An unexpected internal error has occurred or connection to server timed out.
06/14/2015 12:24 PM
Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited customer support team! We understand you are experiencing an issue logging into the game.
You can resolve most login issues by ensuring the following:
1. Your console is connected to your router with a network cable instead of WiFi
2. You have forwarded the appropriate ports in your router (please refer to your console manufacturer’s Customer Support Team for assistance)
3. You have downloaded all required System Updates for your console
If your issue continues, please refer to your console manufacturer for additional assistance. Should you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask by replying directly to this email for further assistance.
Every device I own connects perfectly and all games load on all systems except ESO?
Update: There are no changes to the the status of the login server outage for the PS4 ESOTU megaserver. We are continuing to work on resolving this issue as quickly as possible. We'll have another update at 10PM BST. Thank you all for your patience.
Can see this happening every 2 hours through the night..oh well back to witcher.
I can second that, ESO actually managed to pull me away from the fantastic witcher.... I've been back to playing Gwent for the last 3 hours now haha! Probably be playing it for a few days knowing how Zos are!