I have been brewing on this Idea for a while now, and I think it is time to get it going.
Currently there are 146 or so Guild store Kiosks across Tamriel in the PVE areas, and 1 per Keep in Cyrodiil, the PVP areas.
And from what I could guess from the ESO forums, there are approximately 520 Guilds (number of posts since Feb 20) of 4050 (30 entries per page X 135 pages) possible Guilds in ESOTU.
Not all are actual Guilds or active guilds, and some are just individuals looking for a guild. (nobody knows how many Guilds there are in ESOTU)
So the numbers again. (not accurate)
Number of Guilds store Kiosks............146 in PVE areas.
Number of Guild stores in Cyrodiil........ 1 per Keep
Number of active bidding guilds..........357+- in past 12 weeks.
Number of possible guilds.................4050+-
Now the Idea,
Each player can belong up to 5 in game guilds that they can access through any Bank.
The Bank is set up to give the player access to there account bank, the Guild banks, and the Guild stores, all using a Menu and submenu system.
So my idea is to incorporate this same menu system into the Guild Kiosks, allowing each Kiosk to handle up to 5 Guilds.
That would bring the number of Guild stores up to 730.
The Bidding for locations should remain the same (Blind Bid) but, let the top 5 bidders for each location set up on that same Kiosk.
The #1 bid getting to display there Tabard, and the other 4 a menu location.
Maybe develop a Flag system for the menu's, and each guild create there own flag.
Now some would say that this will bring Guild wars to the game, even though this is happening already,
and others will like the idea as it would enhance the in game economy.
Maybe even stabilize the games economy
Anyway the whole idea I'm trying to get across, is to increase the number of stores and sales to the general populous, and reduce the chances of being (out bid) on the weekly Guild store bidding.
Edited by bmcxp on June 12, 2015 8:22PM Leader of the ESO RealmGuild Leader of Guild Medieval(@BMCXP)
Nevaehtwo, Professions Master, Explorer