New Player Looking for PvP/PvE Guild (EP)

Soul Shriven
Just bought the game not too long and I've been enjoying it so far. I'm level 2X and I want to join a guild that's preferably around my timezone. Mine's GMT+8. I bounce around PvP and PvE, but I'm enjoying PvP right now. I can use TS3 and could also host a dedicated TS3 server if your guild needs one. I might do roleplay since I used to on other MMO's, but I'm enjoying the game proper right now so yeah. :)
    Join us add my GT BEASTIEBOI1002 It will be a pleasure to have you
  • Dairyll
    Soul Shriven
    It says account not found. Just add me: Llyriad or @Dairyll
  • Elverine
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there Dairyll!

    Noticed that you're looking for a guild that plays around +8 GMT. A friend and I just started a guild called "The Order of Crows" that plays in the same time zone as you.

    The guild is a casual one and we bounce around on PVE and PVP. We are taking our time to level up while we explore Tamriel at a leisurely pace. We are currently playing in the Ebonhart Pact, but we'll hop onto the other other alliances in the future. Whether or not you join the guild does not matter, but if you'd like to have some questing/dungeon run partners, PM me in game @elverine.

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