ESOTU answer to imperial digital edition problem

I bought the digital imperial edition from the psn store and still have to receive any of the perks and items related to the imperial edition.
Have created a different character than what I wanted to play in order to play with my friends.
I have contacted the support team and have been proactive in reporting problems and issues, hoping that it would all help to sort things.
I actually had hopped that it would be a simple issue to fix.
This is the answer I got from the support team regarding my problems with the digital imperial edition.

Response By Email (Kenzie) (06/11/2015 02:43 PM)
Thank you for your patience while we investigated this issue. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players who purchase the Imperial Edition of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Games Store automatically have the Imperial Edition perks applied to their PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Gold accounts. Players who pre-ordered a digital copy of the game and were entitled to the Explorer's Pack automatically received its perks once they registered their accounts and created a character.
Console players who purchase a physical Imperial Edition of ESOTU receive a code in the box that grants them access to the bonuses for that edition. Players can register these codes on their accounts. Players who pre-ordered a physical copy of the game and were entitled to the Explorer's Pack bonuses received codes for the Explorer's Pack from their retailers.
The Imperial Edition perks include the following:
Play as an Imperial: Become an Imperial and play in any Alliance. Gain unique bonuses, crafting styles, gear, and more.
White Imperial horse
Pledge of Mara: complete the Ritual of Mara with a friend and receive an experience bonus when players play together.
Mudcrab Vanity Pet
The Explorer's pack includes the following bonuses:
The ability to play any race in any alliance
A Scuttler vanity pet
Bonus treasure maps that will lead the player to loot
Players can select which vanity pet and mount you wish to use through the Collections menu.
On PS4: To access the Collection Menu, press [Options] and go to the Collections sub-menu.
On Xbox One: To access the Collection Menu, press [Menu] and go to the Collections sub-menu.
To toggle your mount, hold the button that normally brings up the in-game map
On PlayStation 4: Press and hold the touch pad to mount or dismount
On Xbox One: Press and hold the View (Back or Map) button to mount or dismount
The Pledge of Mara and treasure maps are delivered to the first character via mail. Players should access their mail through the Mail menu located under the Social Menu. Players can move these items between characters using their bank. They'll need to open the map containers to place the maps into their bank.

Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

This is my answer to their email:
I am deeply disapointed and utterly offended by this email.
It's rude to treat a csutomer that paid a premium for a service like this.
I have yet to receive any of the items, perks or any proper answers regarding my digital imperial edition.
The game has been marred for me with a sloppy and carelessnes attitude towards players.
This email just adds salt to the wound.
First of all, i still havent got any items or perks from the digital edition.
Second, you are telling me that all the items will be given to my first character that i created. This is unaceptable because i couldnt create the character i wanted because i dont have access to the imperial edition.
I still dont have a proper answer to what on earth is going on.
Disgusted, frustarated and very disapointed.
  • twitchytweaker
    Soul Shriven
    I'm experiencing the same problem, I bought my imperial edition and pre-ordered the game only to be let down by not having any bonuses at all. It is very frustrating... it needs to be fixed nonetheless.
  • ChinNationFTW

    I got the same email from the same person "Kenzie". God what are they trying to do? Push us aside? It's like "Yeah that's your problem not ours"
    Edited by ChinNationFTW on June 12, 2015 4:05AM
  • OzJohnD
    Cut and paste reply showing this level of disrespect to customers is not that uncommon ...

    You are saying "I bought an Imperial Edition but I'm not getting the perks" and they are effectively saying "You bought an Imperial Edition and these are the perks you should be getting" ...

    duh, you already know that what you are asking is "why aren't I getting the perks I should be getting"

    Maybe the customer service people are getting paid per response and don't actually care about the content of the response ?

    Your reply to the cut and paste should be something like ...

    " Thank you for your reply. I already know what I should be getting from my Imperial Edition, what I am reporting is actually not getting what I know I should be getting. Please fix so I can obtain what I paid for. "

    For the sake of my own experience ...

    I have both Imperial and Explorer editions active on my PC version of ESO, I paid for an account duplication to a console, on my console version I have both active as I expected.

    Don't know why Zenimax can get that right but not the digital console purchase of Imperial.
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • A_Lama_Snackbar
    i puchased imperial edition digittal on release i also purchased crowns none have appeared in game . no i cannot select any race and no i did chekck the mail. i have 2 friends with the exact same issue and one of them purchased the hard copy of the game with a redeem code for imperial and that didnt work either. sony has iinformed me its a developer issue and my email ticket with eso just replied with a generic email telling me what i should have AND I DONT have any of it. i seriously need some answers here and so do my friends and ther countless other people across ps4 and xbox facing this issue. i am sick of seeing people run past me on a horse please give me some sort of confidence a solution is coming soon i am loosing patience here
  • TenseJigaboo
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in the same boat as you all, I got the imperial edition on disk but have none of the items that come with the edition I cant even pick an imperial, so I basically paid €130 for a standard edition same with my friends who got the digital version of the imperial edition they have nome if the items they should have, does anyone know if there's an update in the works to fix this?
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