I really enjoy ESO so far (4ish hours in, lvl 6), it's pretty much what I wanted from an "Skyrim Online".
Sure, the release is not the smoothest ever, there is some lag ang some times you can't log on. But that's the case for every single online game ever released. And if you find an example of game which didn't suffer from these challenges, then that's the exception that confirms the rule (Swedish saying).
I stumbled across my first delve this morning (yes, I play in the mornings so lag and cues are not really an issue for me, but the same will apply once the initial problems are fixed, which they always are) and just dove in.
I found another adventurer deep inside this mine and we grouped up, not text chat needed, just 2 'qickslotted' emotes and we where buddies.
We fought on and eventually came to this clearing with a beatuifull view of a magical tree and sparkling water. Really great.
We where attacked by a really angry boss and fought, healed and blocked our way trough it. Great fight, even though it wasn't very complicated.
When we came out of the mine we waved (emote) and went our separate ways. I went to town to craft and sell items and pick up some new quests.
All in all, a great feeling, and a completely unique feeling when it comes to MMORPGs. Nothing has come even close to how free, active and exiting ESO feels.
Just wanted to drop some appreciation in all this hate.