Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

The Wolves of Ulrich are now recruiting!

  • RapturousRex
    the first Shard Hunt went well!


    It was a battle of attrition against the server itself. Started off with a dozen, ended with three. But we three got them, and the caves, and the Chain Gates.

    Now to rest and wait for Friday, where we head to Cyrodil.

    Taking suggestions on which campaign, but also looking to do the best possible gear and enchantments for folks before we head in. Blacksmiths, Clothiers, Woodworkers and Mystics, we're looking for you! We have ample resources for you to level yourselves up with! Send a message to RapturousRex and I'll see what I can do.
  • SazeeBoomer89
    Soul Shriven

    Two of us running around atm and seen few of you guys floating about ebonheart so thought side request.

    GT: SazeeBoomer89 - 34 high elf mage
    GT: ProWatson - 35 Khajiit Duel Wielder

    Both Completed first three section of ebonheart so some experience and locations on mini bosses, caves etc etc
  • Spiderg1rl
    the first Shard Hunt went well!


    It was a battle of attrition against the server itself. Started off with a dozen, ended with three. But we three got them, and the caves, and the Chain Gates.

    Now to rest and wait for Friday, where we head to Cyrodil.

    Taking suggestions on which campaign, but also looking to do the best possible gear and enchantments for folks before we head in. Blacksmiths, Clothiers, Woodworkers and Mystics, we're looking for you! We have ample resources for you to level yourselves up with! Send a message to RapturousRex and I'll see what I can do.

    What time on Friday were we thinking?

    I may or may not be able to get on due to the time. I've not touched console PVP so I'm intrigued to give it a go.

    As for crafting I nearly have the provisioning at level 38 but barely started the blacksmithing so not likely to be much help there. If you have any spare ingredients knocking about or such (I just sold a load of food and drink on my traders guild) I can see what I can do for making food and drinks. I have a couple of blue recipes as well but they are best after level 20. I can't remember their level right now.
  • LiliDarkrose
    It's all good
    Edited by LiliDarkrose on July 6, 2015 9:05PM
  • RapturousRex
    Lilith, We actually have one, though we're not quite sure how it works yet, we're working on Aerewolves (I'll leave vampires to someone with a better fashion sense than me). I'm just hopping on now, I'll throw an invite out.

    Spider, it'll be over the full weekend, so whenever you're availed, I'm busy Saturday, but I'm a feeling I'll be pulling an all nighter Friday...

    Sazee, both invites have been sent out,
  • SazeeBoomer89
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah added last night, thank you for that
  • wh4rt0n
    Soul Shriven
    invite = Dez Bridge18 please :)
  • RapturousRex
    Tonight we hunt monsters and dungeons! From Stonefall to Shadowfen, if you're further ahead, let us know, a couple may try to join you.

    Anyone wanting to join let me know, I'll invite you in.

    Wh4rton, I'll throw Dez and invite in an hour or so if one of the other's can't, i literally just walked out and checked the forums as I got in my car (because that makes sense).

    Having said that, that'll take us to 50!

    Guild store time yo!
  • Spiderg1rl
    I would love to group up for the Shadowfen group dungeon however I can't make it on or another hour as I've only just got home and need to eat etc. I've done the others and can help anyone in need out with them but I've only just gotten to Eastmarch so I've no idea how much I can help there in the next level
  • ArticalDon
    GT: DrasticK Don
    il join, thanks.
  • RapturousRex
    I'm just jumping on now, invites will be sent out, pizza will be eaten l, and dungeons will be raided so I can get some goodies. From the looks of things, by the time I finish in Shadowfen, I'll be too high a level to get anything from the next area.
  • RapturousRex
    Or not, as voice chat is down for me again...
  • Spiderg1rl
    Same I've just been trying but I can't get into chat to know where anyone is to assist :-)
  • Vicaio
    Soul Shriven
    interested, ingame name: Vicaio
  • Vicaio
    Soul Shriven
    Wrong name, it is: Viqaio
  • RapturousRex
    Hiya Vicaio, just checking if it's spelt right, the game can't find you. Are you in the NA or Euro server?
  • RapturousRex
    ...I like how I refreshed this before I posted, and it won't let me edit, my bad Viqaio, I'll get that sent out asap
  • tonym_b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hey can I get an add please - Tonezz.
  • RapturousRex
    Today, around 6 am, the Aldmeri Dominion made a series of concentrated attacks along the southern regions of Thornblade. 3 castles were taken including our own. Since then, we've managed to hold them back, and even reclaim one, yet ours still lies in Aldmeri hands. Tonight, we take it back. We meet at 6pm and prepare ourselves. At 6:30, we advance. All Wolves are needed, we call on you now to cry havoc, and let slip The Wolves of Ulrich.

    Any levels (after 10) are welcome for this self styled event, (before 10 you can't access PVP, but you're still welcome to the guild!), and we're still recruiting, healers, cooks, blacksmiths, enchanters, Style Guru's and Biker Gangs (clothing and leathers) are all welcome to help equip and join in. Anyone who's up for an organised (in the way you organised cats...) send a message to RapturousRex, and I'll bring you in. I figure we may as well make our own fun whilst we can, and enough of us can crumble any Castle.

    If you're not level 10 yet, join anyway! I plan to do a series of these over the coming weeks, just because you can't join this one, doesn't mean you can't join in others. We've many lower levels who we're happy to help with equipment and missions to aid you in your quest of glory. Come be one, and earn your place in our ranks.

    Even other Ebonheart Guilds who're looking to make an alliance, help us and I'll ensure the debt in repaid in full. We'll assist you with your very own castle. They're pretty, and the soldiers wear your stylish tabard emblems.

    Viqaio, really sorry mate, but I can't find you to send you an invite, are you sure you're in the European Server?
  • Spiderg1rl
    If your in need of a guild cook I'm interested I can currently make purple recipes up to level 49. I haven't found any purple yet but I have got blue recipes around level 35 at the highest so far. I'm always on the hunt for ingredients and can make the max quantity of each food each time. I'm pretty sure that's 4 at a time now.

    My provisioning is level 40 and the only thing I've not upgraded is the added time for recipes. I need more skill points and I'll get those in. I should have the skill maxxed out pretty soon.

    I'll aim to be on tonight but I might be a little later than half 6. Let's hope the chat system is working :smiley:
  • oIPuddlesIo
    Soul Shriven
    If there is still space in the guild I wouldn't mind joining..
    oi puddles io
  • Djryzo101288
    Soul Shriven
    Hi level 21 dragonknight looking for a guild
    love to do Pve and learning how to do PvP
    Gt: DjRyzo
  • RapturousRex
    Well PVP is awesome. Had a few of us hanging around there today. Thornblade is hell for anyone who isn't Ebonheart. It's amazing what an organised group can do to a massive unorganised gaggle.

    Looking at doing a Deshaan and Shadowfen dungeon/Skyshard Hunt in the next week, if you're interested get in touch and we'll invite you along.

    Ryzo, I've not been able to find your GT? Are you in the EU or NA servers?
    Soul Shriven
    would love to join, i am also looking for a werewolf bite for free (willing to chuck in coin maybe 6k)

  • SteakCranium
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to join
    GT : Steak Cranium
  • lordtango
    Soul Shriven
    Hi if you still have room ill love to join mate GT / Hoglush
  • Djryzo101288
    Soul Shriven
    RapturousRex I am on the EU Servers would it be easier if i message you on Xbox to get a guild invite,

  • RapturousRex
    Yeah, message me on Xbox, that'll be easier. It plays up when I don't have voice chat (tried sending something to someone, it wouldn't let me), and voice chat was down, I'll throw the invites out when I get in. And the maintenance is over...

    Jermzy, Hoglush and Steak, I'll invite you guys too!

    Quick update, I just figured out what notes are, so I'll be posting them up for people who can make certain items if they're up for it. If anyone wants to be known (you can make some sweet coin) then message me and I'll post one saying what you're offering, to what level. Personally, I can make armour up to level 40, of all styles except Dunmer, Argonian and Imperial (though I'll sort them tonight), so if you want to personalise the way your armour looks, send me a message, and we'll start talking prices (nothing too extreme, but some will be more because it's a nightmare to find, I havn't seen a single Daedra Heart in all 40 levels).

    We've now got a pretty hardcore PvP group, and a separate PvE group, so folks can mix and mash as they want. For PVP, we're currently in Thornblade, trying to get our own keep, after ours got robbed, then rerobbed, and has finally given up the ghost. If the two Brothers who lead them are willing, I'll update this thread with their names so people know from here who to talk to.

    I'll have a word tonight with the Sergeants and Brothers, see who's looking to do what, and will update accordingly.

    I know I'm looking at those Dolmens and wondering how many of their heroes I can blitz, though tonight I'll be moving on Eastmarch, getting all their boss' out of the way and before proceeding on with the quests. Everyone is welcome to join me.

    All members of all levels and classes are welcome. Whilst we're mainly Ebonheart, we're open to all alliances, and will be looking at organising the other aliance members so that they've got their own internal structure, and get more than just a pretty tabard to wear (it is very pretty tbf).
  • ZeFeZ
    GT: Savagery x360a
  • Djryzo101288
    Soul Shriven
    I Know why you could not find me as there is a space in my GT so it's Dj Ryzo
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