I joined a 4 man today and when we went in no one was talking and people were all over the place. We died over and over and we made it to the final boss but we couldn't get her down. There was zero team work. The game needs text chat bad! Or every group is going to be like this!
defcon.dealer1b14_ESO wrote: »In a group now..now issues. Text chat does not, nor ever has guaranteed ppl knowing wat they are doing in a group. Communication helps. So if nobody is speaking next time, send them a message to their psn or watever ur on, saying 'mic up'.
Text chat is not the perfect 'cure-all' it's being made out to be.
I look at a game like DC Universe which is also on the consoles. It is only MMO i really played on the PS4 and has a text box that actually thinks works well. Not every game is the same, but I cannot see why you would leave a text option out when a game based so much on social features.ChinNationFTW wrote: »Text chat seems like a bad idea for consoles. Good for PC because of the keyboard that makes it easier to type words, but console it takes forever. Imagine you're in the battle and try to text your team a warning by that time is too late. Best to invite the to a party chat talk through mics.
I look at a game like DC Universe which is also on the consoles. It is only MMO i really played on the PS4 and has a text box that actually thinks works well. Not every game is the same, but I cannot see why you would leave a text option out when a game based so much on social features.ChinNationFTW wrote: »Text chat seems like a bad idea for consoles. Good for PC because of the keyboard that makes it easier to type words, but console it takes forever. Imagine you're in the battle and try to text your team a warning by that time is too late. Best to invite the to a party chat talk through mics.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »I joined a 4 man today and when we went in no one was talking and people were all over the place. We died over and over and we made it to the final boss but we couldn't get her down. There was zero team work. The game needs text chat bad! Or every group is going to be like this!
Why was no one talking?