Now that I have played the pc and ps4 versions....

While the pc versions is superior without question, I have to say they did a good job overall.
View distance and frame rate took a hit for sure and navigating through menus is a pain...but overall I'm enjoying it.
Good job guys....
  • D3spairFacTor
    Soul Shriven
    Just a little curious, if PC version I superior, why did they fix, and re release this game?
  • lathbury
    its an mmo there are always fixes and they didnt re release it they changed the subscription model to a b2p one and released on consoles.
  • Amsel_McKay
    Just a little curious, if PC version I superior, why did they fix, and re release this game?

    When did they "fix" then re-release the game? I think you have the wrong game...
  • brandon.coker101_ESO
    Just a little curious, if PC version I superior, why did they fix, and re release this game?

    Same game just runs better and looks better on pc.
  • j_labbeb16_ESO
    Just a little curious, if PC version I superior, why did they fix, and re release this game?

    When did they "fix" then re-release the game? I think you have the wrong game...

    You sure? It's been a pay a monthly sub to play the beta for the past year as they tweaked and polished it for console release.
  • Amsel_McKay
    Just a little curious, if PC version I superior, why did they fix, and re release this game?

    When did they "fix" then re-release the game? I think you have the wrong game...

    You sure? It's been a pay a monthly sub to play the beta for the past year as they tweaked and polished it for console release.

    I can get the re-release part... 1.6 felt that way, I was talking about the fix? When are they going to fix it?
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