Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

(ebonheart pact) Dragon Claw Collective - Social, PvP, PvE, raiding & trading.

Hi everyone. Dragon Claw Collective is a new guild with ps4 being our first platform. We are a social group and our aim is to grow a guild of like minded players to help and play along side each other. It isn't a strict guild we just simply ask everyone treats each other with respect. Obviously with the console release only being a couple of days old how roster is still minimal which is why we are looking for guildies that will help build the foundations of Dragon Claw Collective from the ground up. We are regular players and are happy to help guid anyone starting off.

I am the Guild Master and my PSN is:


Either search Dragon Claw Collective or add my psn with "guild interest" in the message section.

Cheers everyone.
  • Rysiris
    How many members are you looking for?
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dragon knight (It would help me a lot if you pm me some skill builds for PVP)
    Warewolf (Friday is bite day)
    Lv: VR6
  • DeathByJoel
    As many as we can get. we need 50 to open a guild store so i guess we will aim for that at first.
  • FirecatofClanFirepaw
    Soul Shriven
    Hello ^^
    I would like to join an active guild also, I have experience with online mmos and have played the elder scrolls games for years :) this is the friendliest guild posting here! lol I've been refining my playstyle a lot at I get the feel for the game. I think I'm going to settle into a heavy armor battlemage and I'm a cat. I'm in North America but with the time zones being a factor in things it's for the better since I work at times of heavy server population in North America, then I come home and everyone is asleep at 4am est haha. My online ID is Jgallows. My in game name is firecat Of Clan Firepaw.
    Please excuse the Daggerfall swine on my account that's my S/O ¬.¬
  • DeathByJoel
    Welcome aboard. I sent you invite a little while ago.
  • DeathByJoel
    Just letting everyone know that if there is a delay to me adding you into to the guild it is because of a combination of psn and server problems and me living in Australia means I receive a lot of messages whilst I'm a sleep. Thank you for your understanding. We are already becoming a popular guild and if you want to be part of of the first 50 and earn yourself an instant promotion then please don't hesitate to message my psn.

  • DeathByJoel
    Hi, we are specifically inviting werewolves and vampires to join so we can create a group where we don't have to try and put up with the people spawn killing and charging money for them to bite. When I become a vamp I will be giving out free bites to guild members. If you join and you are a vamp or ww let me know :smile: cheers.
  • DeathByJoel
    Just an update. I am going to stop automatically promoting people to soldier (rank 3) when we get 50 members. After that there will a probation period where there will be restrictions on your membership.
  • Jackom31
    Hello, I would like to join your guild.

    My PSN: jackom3195
  • DeathByJoel
    No worries. I will add you soon.
  • S_1428
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to Join

    PSN: S_1428
  • FatPigInADress
    Soul Shriven
    I'm down to join, I often go on intense farming runs so I've always got nice items to sell! Invite me if possible.

    PSN name: FatPigInADress (EU Server, Ebonheart Pact)
  • Tobingreywolf
    Soul Shriven
    Psn: tobgreywolf

    Interested in joining if you're still recruiting.
    Tobin Greywolf
  • fatboygamer
    Hey guys, I'm a low lvl DE DK in EP, mainly dps and I'm looking for a guild to focus on end game content and trials. I would be interested in taking an invite if you don't mind a low lvl joining. Main goal to be a DPS beast/vamp with end game gear.

    Psn FatboygamerUK
  • snowbeard62
    I am looking for a guild that is active at the weekends when I get on for some real game time. I have a nord DK lvl 17 atm
    PSN snowbeard62 if this fits :)
  • Samstorey10
    Looking to join
    Psn: SammStoreyy
  • weslix19
    PSN: weslix19
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