Dear Lady Mara,
I'm a bit ashamed to say that I ran headlong in to a relationship with a dashing Breton mere weeks after I started adventuring over a year ago. I made sweet Mara with my new mate, and we quested the lands of Glenumbra in wedded bliss for many weeks there after.
Alas, he has abandoned me. I haven't seen nor heard from him in 286 days and 12 hours. The ring I once held so dear, now pains me greatly to even look at. I made a trip to the bank many months ago to store what just looking at caused me anguish. I'm getting over him, ever so slowly.
Getting to the point, I want a divorce. I have absolutely no idea how to legally separate myself from my estranged spouse. I'm hurting, and I need closure. I am hoping to one day share my life again with another man who cares for and will support me.
Your loyal subject,
Pevara La'Roche
Non RP troll: How the heck can I get another ring? Got a buddy I wanna run a lowbie up with and we want to take advantage of the 10% xp bonus. Ktnx.
Pevara La'Roche -
NA / DC - The Order of Mundus -