North America / EU servers. Characters

Soul Shriven
When the game was first released at midnight, it was not possible to connect to the EU servers and so I had to create a character on the American servers. After playing the game fora few hours I can off then continued playing the following day. I then thought that the EU servers would be up and running, which they were, so I decided to connect to these servers as u am from the UK so closer servers better connection in a sense. But it wanted to me to start all over again which I don't want to do at all as I have progressed to far to want to start all over again just to switch to EU servers. Please can you find some way to use characters on any server or a way to transfer to EU servers where friends are.
  • Rosveen
    There are no server transfers. You should have checked before you created a character on a server you didn't want to play on. But you lost only two days, it seems like a huge waste now, but it isn't much in the long run. You can catch up in a day of focused playing now that you know where everything is in the starting zone. :)
  • SrS_UnreaL
    Soul Shriven
    This is also the situation with a lot of my friends. We are stuck in NA servers when we want to be on EU servers where other friends are. Are we stuck here forever?
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