Im getting very concerned at the moment. I put in a ticket about this issue, I've been playing since launch on the PC and I bought ESO from the store on the ESO website. I got a response from a Sony customer support representative :
Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited customer support team. At this time, please refer to Sony’s Customer Support team for further assistance with completing the purchase. If they are unable to resolve your issue, reply back to this email for further assistance.
To contact Sony support:
Kindest Regards,
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team""""
Why in the world should I have to contact Sony tech support for a PC server????
So I contacted them anyways...
"""Christian: Hello, My name is Christian how may I assist you today?
You: Hi Christian, Im Anthony.
Christian: Hello, Anthony.
You: I had contacted customer support for elder scrolls online becuase I have yet to receive an email to help transfer my character over from the pc version to the ps4 version, they had asked me to contact sony support. Any ideas?
Christian: My apologies for that inconvenience. I'd be happy to look into this for you today.
Christian: Let me gather some information first to assist you better. May I please have the following?
•Online ID (Nickname on PSN).
•Sign in ID (Associated Email).
•First and last name.
•Phone number.
You: I've been playing the game since launch, I most certainly meet the qualifications for the email
(left blank intentionally)
Christian: Thank you, Anthony. One moment while I access your account.
Christian: Thank you, Anthony. Unfortunately, we don't have access to the game's servers so we're not able to make any transfer of data on your Elder Scrolls account.
Christian: Your best option is checking with he game's developer.
You: Thats what I was thinking, Sony wouldn't have access to the PC servers
Christian: You can reach them at:
Christian: Yes, that is correct.
You: I don't know why they asked me to ask you guys!
Christian: I'm really sorry, Anthony.""""
I understand today is the last day to do a character copy, I updated my ticket and no answer just yet, im just concerned that I will miss the cut off... I have a level 50 VR1 and I dont want to level up another character of the same class... Please tech support help me!