nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »Spoonie,
I to am running triple screens. I watched you clip ten times; what am I looking at ? I seem to have missed the glitch.
Wily_Wizard wrote: »That must be the passive conduit aura buff
Joking aside, that is weird. Hopefully someone else with 3 monitors can chime in. Is that on AMD or NVidia?
Just above his crosshair there's three bars of light that shouldn't be there.
Just above his crosshair there's three bars of light that shouldn't be there.
I have the exact same thing with my AMD R9 290x on triple screens. It's so annoying that i have resorted back to single screen. But it is the least of my triple screen problems
As i have 3 x 55 inch screens. I have to break my neck just to see the inventory, And most other things to. Most things are located on the furthest ends of the outer screens. And reading NPC dialogue from the center to the middle of my right screen.
The chat was the only thing that i could bring back to the centre screen. Compass and health/magic/stamina are the only things found naturally on the centre screen. Skyrim was worse. But with a mod/add on, All these issues were gone. But i am still waiting for someone to make an ESO triple screen Mod/add on
I need all things to be positioned in the places they are when using only 1 screen. The excellent solution that other games use is to use the amount of vertical pixels, as opposed to the amount of horizontal pixels.
And the loading screen is so chopped and zoomed showing very low resolution that you just do not know what the picture is
The well known issue with AMD cards. ie. With one screen i got 61% GPU load average from a few hours of gameplayIt's not the case when using triple screen. It's 99 to 100% GPU load
Like every other game or benchmarking test out there. This means that i only have a FPS hit of about 15% when using triple screens, All other games are around the 50% mark. This is one positive thing for AMD triple screen users
As for the FOV. At 130 degrees the stretching is just shocking. A characters head on the outside screens are so huge they take up over half the screen, 3/4 Even. It is very fake, But also funny to look at. The lower the FOV the better it looks but kind of defeats the purpose of having triple screens. Even if we could "render each screen separately" to show a perfect picture. We would take another roughly 50% FPS hit. Which would make the game quite unplayable. Even with my monster 290X GPU. Maybe around 2 or 3 years, Top graphics cards could handle it though.
My problem is that everything at the sides, here >[___][___][___]<and here is very zoomed in or big, it dident look liek you had that problem thouhg, so i am not sure whats wrong
Your right the things at the sides that you point out are still the same size/zoom. Just the location changes to those positions you pointed out.
I have the default windowed mode in ESO settings. If that's any help
I use catalyst control centre for my AMD card and not windows extended desktop. 5760 x 1080
Use Nvidia's control panel for Nvidea cards.
Is that your only thing wrong. As in,
Has the actual picture on your centre screen changed resolution/zoom? Or has any other things changed zoom?
For me it has stayed the same! The only thing that i can think of being zoomed is the loading screen picture, And nothing else
Skyrim in triple screen had majority of things Zoomed. eg, Lockpicks, Settings, Inventory, Star Constellation, just to name a few.
I'm interested in seeing a screenshot if it's little effort to do!
My problem is that everything at the sides, here >[___][___][___]<and here is very zoomed in or big, it dident look liek you had that problem thouhg, so i am not sure whats wrong