On the PC version you can order your summoned minion to attack (although I do remember that option not being available when the game first launched). Anyway, is there a way of commanding your minion to attack on the PS4? If so, I cannot seem to find the button combination.
And yes, I know this is not the most pressing question at the moment, but I would like to know!

Many thanks.
High Elf Sorcerer of the Aldmeri Dominion, Master Wizard, Dominion Hero, Savior of Nirn, Daedric Lord Slayer, Sergeant, Magnanimous, Maelstrom Arena Champion (Cadwell's Gold)
Favorite quotes:
"Break the law, and the law will break you."
"If you are trying to rely on wit, I'd say you are half way there."
"Sometimes the prey turns and nips us...it is a small thing."
"The skins of those you love, will fly as my banners."
"The Wood Elf known as Finedrin has been found guilty of the following crimes..."