Not Connecting to Server

Waited over a year for this chance and @ 12 midnight when the game launches I keep getting errors and saying the server timed out. Figures.
  • darkqc
    Soul Shriven
    Same situation here!
    LegioVIII Vini Vidi Vici
  • iamkeebler
    I'm getting the same issue. I imagine traffic is super high right now. It was like this at the launch of the PC beta testing too. Keep trying, hopefully we will get in sooner than later!
  • Blackarrow
    Soul Shriven
    same here,,,, this sucks
  • grim_tactics
    Just to add. It has crashed my PS4 twice. I'd add a screen pic but I've had my ps4 for over a year first time this has happened. Loading screen for ESO while loading and boom PS4 just turns off.
  • Hamztein
    Same here... I type play, keep loading, and give an error, sometimes tumeout, sometimes unexpected internal error.
  • BloodStorm
    64 hour estimated download time for me. Be Jealous.
  • Ever75
    same issue here, look similar to the login problem we were having at the beta
  • Hamztein
    Any word from ZOS? Perhaps the server is too weak for the number os games the are selling?
  • ArcherSniper18
    Soul Shriven
    So what? We keep trying to log in and hope it works today??
  • scottssj4
    Soul Shriven
    same issue here as well. When selecting North America server, and selecting "play", I'm always getting the "Login Failed. An unexpected internal error has occurred"
  • StarCityKilla
    Same here internal errors and time outs
    It was the skooma I tell ya......
  • Shadesofkin
    Same. It's a shame I was really looking forward to this. My wife was super understanding about me staying up.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • EclipseGryph
    Soul Shriven
    Yep, same here, on east coast USA. Just keep fighting through! It'll have to login at some time!
  • Hamztein
    Judging by the number of views in this post, a LOT of people are experiencing this...

    My question is: we have just to wait for the rush hour to pass, ou Zos is trying to fix it some how?
  • floydmurphy.kg_ESO
    "There is panic in my fascination - Like soothing wine is my despair - Gracefully I fall to pieces"
    Ihsahn - Elevator
  • Tholian
    Soul Shriven
    Can't login either. Connection to server timed out.
  • grim_tactics
    Mega Server = lol
  • hereiamhereibe2
    Please come the hell on ESO!!!
  • capricornian
    Finally finished the download, so much for console copies to being able to play at midnight, but here it is almost 1am and I can't log into the NA megaserver. I tried logging into the EU one and it got to the screen to link my account but when I went to enter my login information, the keyboard didn't pop up.
  • justin.a.hairb14_ESO
    I played this game on PC since launch and it is really fun. However, I am unable to login on PS4. I keep getting connection to server timed out. All I can say is this to anyone who complains...

    1. Every mmo has some sort of login issues at launch due to servers being flooded by millions of people trying to login all at 1 time.
    2. Every game ever released is buggy at first and has some issues
    3. If you purchase any game on day 1 and expect everything to work flawless with no issues you are an idiot
    4. If you don't want to have to deal with launch issues of a game then don't pre order it on on launch day. Instead wait a month or 2 and get it after they fixed all the initial issues
    5. You have no right to complain when you willing bought a game on launch knowing the 1st two statements were true.
    6. The point of this is because I am so tired of people trolling all over the internet and crying about something they damn well knew was going to happen before they bought the game for console!
    7. Buy Zenimax's network guys a round of beers at a local pub for having to deal with us millions of people flooding their servers all at one time and causing mass chaos!

    Trust me the developers are doing everything they can to address all issues just like any other game has done before them so have patience and give them some credit for all the overtime and long hours you know they have been putting in the past few weeks to meet the June 9th deadline.
    Edited by justin.a.hairb14_ESO on June 9, 2015 5:04AM
  • iamkeebler
    I've been trying to log in for an hour straight... Just lounging on the couch hitting the x button Hmong that this time I get in only to be disappointedly sent back to hit x again...
  • grim_tactics
    I played this game on PC since launch and it is really fun. However, I am unable to login on PS4. I keep getting connection to server timed out. All I can say is this to anyone who complains...

    1. Every mmo has some sort of login issues at launch due to servers being flooded by millions of people trying to login all at 1 time.
    2. Every game ever released is buggy at first and has some issues
    3. If you purchase any game on day 1 and expect everything to work flawless with no issues you are an idiot
    4. If you don't want to have to deal with launch issues of a game then don't pre order it on on launch day. Instead wait a month or 2 and get it after they fixed all the initial issues
    5. You have no right to complain when you willing bought a game on launch knowing the 1st two statements were true.
    6. The point of this is because I am so tired of people trolling all over the internet and crying about something they damn well knew was going to happen before they bought the game for console!
    7. Buy Zenimax's network guys a round of beers at a local pub for having to deal with us millions of people flooding their servers all at one time and causing mass chaos!

    Trust me the developers are doing everything they can to address all issues just like any other game has done before them so have patience and give them some credit for all the overtime and long hours you know they have been putting in the past few weeks to meet the June 9th deadline.

    Yes, but this should not be ok. I have no doubt they are trying to fix the issue but it's a big middle finger to consumers.

    Companies know how many preorders their game has and they can even guess that around 40% or more will buy a physical copy that did not preorder it. The fact that even non-mmo console games launch constantly with online connectivity options due to insufficient server capacity shows they are trying to operate with as little as possible for the biggest ROI. Great for shareholders, not so great for consumers.

    The fact so many accept this as ok year in and year out is ridiculous.
  • grim_tactics
    And every consumer has every right to complain when a said service is paid for but goods aren't delivered

    By your assumption on your list(No. 5) you're saying it's ok if you get nothing when you pay for something. What kind of crap logic is that?

    "Sir, we know you ordered the Filet Mignon but we really don't feel like cooking. Try us again in a few days. We are keeping your money, you just can't eat today."
  • emopyronecrosis
    I played this game on PC since launch and it is really fun. However, I am unable to login on PS4. I keep getting connection to server timed out. All I can say is this to anyone who complains...

    1. Every mmo has some sort of login issues at launch due to servers being flooded by millions of people trying to login all at 1 time.
    2. Every game ever released is buggy at first and has some issues
    3. If you purchase any game on day 1 and expect everything to work flawless with no issues you are an idiot
    4. If you don't want to have to deal with launch issues of a game then don't pre order it on on launch day. Instead wait a month or 2 and get it after they fixed all the initial issues
    5. You have no right to complain when you willing bought a game on launch knowing the 1st two statements were true.
    6. The point of this is because I am so tired of people trolling all over the internet and crying about something they damn well knew was going to happen before they bought the game for console!
    7. Buy Zenimax's network guys a round of beers at a local pub for having to deal with us millions of people flooding their servers all at one time and causing mass chaos!

    Trust me the developers are doing everything they can to address all issues just like any other game has done before them so have patience and give them some credit for all the overtime and long hours you know they have been putting in the past few weeks to meet the June 9th deadline.

    Zenimax Online had a very small closed beta, without doing a proper stress test, or holding an event the last few days in beta to properly stress test their servers, such as having a weekend where everyone in the world could play every bit of the game, doing this would have allowed them to get a good idea of intrest level and log in volume, thus they could have re-enforced their servers properly.

    They played it safe, trying to ensure that intrest was high, but show of bugs and such was low thus they are now suffering from angry consumers.

    This situation is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" moment, if they allowed a proper stress test, loads of people may have found bugs, and gotten worried that the game maybe still broken please note the MASSIVE negative reviews online about bugs and phasing issues in ESO. But since the beta wound up more PR than a true beta they now suffer from issues caused by logins. Ether way they'd be screwed, so they took the safer option. I'm sure in retrospect they're somewhat regretting the choice now.

  • Blackarrow
    Soul Shriven
    no more updates? ..................
  • grim_tactics
    Nope. As soon as my hookah runs out in off to bed. I have a feeling most of us will see 0 playing time in the next few hours.
  • Blackarrow
    Soul Shriven
    really wanted to play today....
  • Jacobaylingub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Finally finished the download, so much for console copies to being able to play at midnight, but here it is almost 1am and I can't log into the NA megaserver. I tried logging into the EU one and it got to the screen to link my account but when I went to enter my login information, the keyboard didn't pop up.

    My dad also is having this problem, he is really confused as to why there is no keyboard for him to enter his E-mail address in... Anyone else experiencing this problem, or does anyone have a solution? I asked him if there is a button prompting him for keyboard use, but he insists there is not. (He tried using voice commands to manually pop up keyboard, but the PS4 wont let him operate with voice at that particular time.)
  • bburnett
    Well this is dissapointing been working on the console version for an extra year kinda sad when after so long still can't play the game it's like dangling a piece of cheese in front of a mouse than taking it away twice now I might add.
  • Whitestone92
    incredibly frustrating.
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