I wrote a review like this when I first ordered my book. I have also ordered the Skyrim book and the Collection in the store for ESO that contains maps/books (I can't recall what it's called right now).
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
Do you have the coffee table book that came with the Imperial collector's edition of the game, along with the Molag Bal statue? I got Tales of Tamriel, and I really like it (it's a damn fine book and well designed), but it's not as cool as that coffee table book.
If you don't know what book I'm talking about, this link shows it:
AdamBourke wrote: »I have Tales of Tamriel, and I love it - I fully intend to buy all five Skyrim/ESO books. I would also buy the collectors edition from the Bethesda shop...except that even with the sale I can't afford it :-(
AdamBourke wrote: »I have Tales of Tamriel, and I love it - I fully intend to buy all five Skyrim/ESO books. I would also buy the collectors edition from the Bethesda shop...except that even with the sale I can't afford it :-(
Just an FYI, you can get those on eBay (I assume you mean the book that included the molag bal statue?). People bought them, quit ESO, and now trying to sell the statue and book.