Zenimax is very clever, they are so nice giving the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS when you click on "SUPPORT".
What are the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS? Maybe questions when bugs are fixed or when lag will stop or maybe when smallscale/imperial city/pvp in justice system/whatever will come?
NO! Here are the true FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - the questions we all want to know!
1. I bought The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on Steam. Where can I purchase an ESO Plus Membership?
2. Why can’t I see the crowns I just bought in game?
3. When I click on “Buy Crowns” in the Crown Store, nothing happens. What do I do?
This are thr three most important questions for the ESO sommunity!
1. Shop - How I can leave more money after joining the game?
2. Shop - How I can spend my Crowns in the Shop so I need much more soon?
3. Shop - How I can leave more money to spend Crowns?
Really ZOS....... It is a shame.
@community To have a discussion here so the thread wont be closed: What do you think, is this the right way handle the community?