Dear Zenimax Online Studios...
I know this comes up about once a month or so - but would you PLEASE make Eyevea and the earth forge accessible by wayshrine? There's a lot of people saying it is intentionally this way... but that doesn't mean you can't change it.
Reasons for doing this:
1) It's kind of on the map already - sometimes it shows up, sometimes it doesn't. Even if it's acting as normal - it LOOKS like a glitch, and ahs left many people confused.
2) It's not fun having to wayshrine to Riften (my go-to city right now), run around to the front of the fighter's guild, say, then find the portal inside that guild and then end up... AT THE WAYSHRINE ANYWAY???
3) I suspect the reason for forcing you through the portals could be to make you go to the guilds more? Yeah. No-one is stopping in them. IF you want us to visit - make something interesting happen IN them, not THROUGH them. Put a duelling arena in one maybe? Or some enchantment/spellcrafting stations?
4) This is my personal main reason for wanting this fixed. I Like to see where I have discovered on the map. The zoomed out one of all of tamriel. As I progress and explore, I reveal more wayshrines on this map. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. I have no sense of accomplishment that I have finished the guild quests - by this map. It saddens me.
I think four reasons for two tiny little changes that will take some guy about 10 minutes to do (if that), is quite a good case. So PLEASE change this.
PS4 - EU
Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?