Hi people,
InfoHub's BETA stage is over and v1.0.0 is released last night. You may download it via
You can send bug reports and feedback via in-game feature or you may use official / addon hosting forums.
Have fun.
InfoHub has been coded by scratch to improve old RAETIA Information Bar's functionality, expand it's capabilities and to meet gamers' requests. It's not just a bar anymore, it's more than that.
InfoHub's main and new goal is to provide maximum information about gameplay with providing mini supporting tools and it's development will continue behalf on this goal.
For those who want the old simplicity back for InfoHub, there will be options to convert icons to texts in future releases.
- A bar named LEGATUS has been impelemented after a messy work. Legatus lets you select the modules you want with their desired order on the bar. Also it may auto-adjust compass frame to make some space.
- Each module can be positioned separately, each have it's own font type, font style, font size, icon size, background alpha and colour selections
- Modules' horizontal and vertical positions can be set both with dragging and via settings menu
- Icons have their horizontal and vertical positioning sliders inside the settings menu, also they have 7 different size selection
- Background of bar can be solid colour or a texture. There are 24 textures on InfoHub and you may set colours for both solid and texture background options
- To support UI positioning, InfoHub may draw a Grid to let you position more accurately
- There are 6 auto-hide options for bars and modules
- Thousands Separator format implemented which lets you use Point(.) or Comma(,) for numerals
RAETIA WMZA addon's feature is improved and implemented to this one. You may set auto-zoom level for World Map and Fast Travel Map
RAETIA Subtitles addon's feature is also improved and implemented to new InfoHub
- Each module has it's warning system with using colours and these colours can be changed via settings menu
- Warning system description and conditions have implemented to each module's colours
- Reticle target information module has been added which lets you see extended target information and change reticle textures to "Dot" or "X" Cross.
- Time & Date
*NEW*LUA Memory (Current LUA Memory Usage of Addons, Feature to Set Max. LUA Memory Limit via In-Game Menu)
- Zone (With World Map and Fast Travel Map Auto-Zoom feature) (3 Formats)
- Coordinates
- Level & Veteran Rank
- Experience & Veteran Points (3 Formats)
- Gained XVP per Hour
- Gold on Character
- Earned Gold per Hour
- Gold in Bank
- Durability (Item Conditions) (2 Formats)
- Repair Cost
- Bag Slots (3 Formats)
- Bank Slots (3 Formats)
*NEW*Thievery (Stolen Item Count in Backpack, Their Worth, Daily Sell and Fence Limit Tracking)
*NEW*Bounty (Current Criminal Status, Bounty on You, Bounty Cooldown Timer, Current Heat)
- Riding Cooldown Tracking
- Blacksmithing (In Use and Total Slots with Research Cooldown Tracking)
- Woodworking (Same as BS)
- Clothing (Same as BS)
- Soul Gems (4 Formats)
- Weapon Charge Status (3 Formats)
- Attribute Points (3 Formats)
- Sky Shards
- Skill Points (3 Formats)
*NEW*Champion / Enlightment Progress Tracking (6 CP, 3 Enlightment Formats - Automatic Switch Between Enlightment and CP Formats)
- Alliance Points
- Achievement Points (3 Formats)
- Online Friends
- Player/Character Information (2 modes)
- Combat State (In and Out of Combat)
- Vampirism (Stages and Remaining Time, German Client Support)
- Crafting XP (Earned Experience from Crafting)
- Chat (Whisper alert. When you have a whisper, module will flicker until you answer/use whisper)
- Reticle & Target ("Reticle Target Information" and "Reticle Textures" with more than 20 different customization options and 2 new Reticle Textures)
- Subtitles (Generic NPC Conversation Subtitles - More Than 10 Customization Options)
- LibStub / (Seerah)
- LibAddonMenu-2.0 / (Seerah)
- LibMediaProvider-1.0 / (Seerah)
- LibMediaProvider-MediaStash / (Seerah)
- LibAnimation-1.0 / (Pawkette)
- Reticle Textures / (Divona)
- Some Background Textures / ggFrames (Corodius)
- Circonian's Click4Info
- Circonian's TextureIt
- Garkin, for his suggestions, fixes and helping me about whenever I need
- Information Bar / InfoHub users, for their opinions and bug reports
- Expansion capability of InfoHub is limitless. You can always suggest new features.