I'm proud to announce that the ESO-Database is now available in English!
I've started the development of the ESO-Database 6 months ago for the German ESO community. After some beta testing and a Lot of bug fixes, it was time to translate the project into English. After a month of hard work and translating all the stuff into English, it's now time to present the ESO-Database to you.
What is ESO-Database?
ESO-Database is a Character and Guild-Database. Everyone can join the community to transfer his Character and Guild-data. The data will be collected through our ESO-Add on and automatically transferred with the
ESO-Database.com Client. The client also keeps the addon up to date.
Guild leader can use the
guild list to embedded the member list to their homepage.
Each character, which is transferred with our add on, has his own statistic about killed NPC, healing done and received, quest done and much more.
Key Features of the ESO-Database
- Character based statistics
- Guild based statistics
- Ratios about Classes, Races, Alliances and Megaservers
- Signature maker for characters
- Tradeskill overview for every character
- Bounty Calculator
- You decide which data of your character is public
- Total account statistics including total playtime, gold, damage done and much more (only visible for your account)
- Upload a character portrait (shown on signature images and on your characters profile)
- Upload character and guild images
Note: I'm not a native English speaker! If you find some translation mistakes on the website, please contact me so I can fix them. You can send feedback by using
this contact form.
Visit the ESO-Database.comExample Character and Guild profiles
Signature images


ESO-Database.com (
Steam Deck Client |
System Status)
- Character and Guild Database for ESO with data collection AddOn and Windows Client for automatically data transfers. (DE/EN)
- Elder Scrolls Online skill calculator with Championsystem! (DE/EN/FR)
ESO-Database Game Data API
- API for AddOn developers to fetch game related data like Chest positions etc.
More AddOns: ESO Farm-Buddy,
ESO-Skillfactory.com Build Export,
All AddOns by Keldor