pecheckler wrote: »Really? There are only 4 ways to do MMO endgame? You're pretty narrow minded.
I don't understand why there should be a choice herein ESO you must choose to either a) have fun, or b) focus on character advancement.
there is absolutely no challenge whatsoever in grinding mobs -- it is completely mindless
@Valymer I have not played Everquest to be honest. I started playing MMOs with Vanilla wow. In my opinion a game must encourage group content without making it mandatory..The grinding you mention, is like this. You can grind alone if you want, but you will get much more xp if you grind in a duo.
you also said:I don't understand why there should be a choice herein ESO you must choose to either a) have fun, or b) focus on character advancement.You can have fun and still have character advancement..that is the whole point. Maybe you advance slower than the non fun activities, but you still progress. While in other MMOs, playing for fun = no progress.
For you maybe.In Everquest you really needed to group up with other people to grind mobs, and it was a lot more fun that way.
@Valymer See my above post that I edited to answer about grinding mobsAlso yes, I do pvp, I just don't expect to win them all. I do understand your reasoning, but I am sure that you are not the player with the least CP. There are others with more than you and many with lower CP than you.
I myself have accepted that there are people who play professional and almost all the day and I am not stressed to reach them. And I am sure I am not in the bottom of progression either. But as I said, this is very subjective , and if it does bother you in pvp, no one can change your feelings.
@Valymer I am sure it was fun. In Vanilla wow it was also hard to grind mobs had to be a mage and have improved blizzard and be skilled to do aoe grindingMaybe in EQ was much harder I don't know, but vanilla wow also did not have aoe grinding. In order to grind aoe mobs of your level you needed a group..not to mention elite zones and elite mobs grinding. It was fun for sure. and always leveled my chars while in group.
It seems to me that you need a break from ESOis not a bad thing. Gone the days that we played MMOs for years without breaks. We got burned out already and the magic is not so strong anymore. So is very common now days to take a break from our games until we have the urge to play again or something new is being released.
For you maybe.In Everquest you really needed to group up with other people to grind mobs, and it was a lot more fun that way.
I thought the 1990s gorup-or-die simply to progress MMO was dead and buried with EQ and one or two Japanese MMOs like FFXI/FFXIV .. I still play FFXI and love it but that's for sentimental reasons .. PUGging in order to level-up should have died with the 20th century.
Is this thread for real?
Basically, you're saying that farming goblins in a small cave (since that is how you best "advance your character") is better end game than epic raids and/or competitive PvP.
Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree.
Sure, you're still advancing your character even if doing less optimal stuff than farming goblins. But then again, isn't this the case in gear focused MMOs as well? You can do easier content or quests/crafting and also get gear, just not as good gear.
Also, while we're being honest, Champion System is probably the worst form of progression I've seen in MMOs, ever.
You get rewarded based on the time you spend playing alone, not based on your skill (at all) like in other MMOs.
Is this thread for real?
Basically, you're saying that farming goblins in a small cave (since that is how you best "advance your character") is better end game than epic raids and/or competitive PvP.
Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree.
Sure, you're still advancing your character even if doing less optimal stuff than farming goblins. But then again, isn't this the case in gear focused MMOs as well? You can do easier content or quests/crafting and also get gear, just not as good gear.
Also, while we're being honest, Champion System is probably the worst form of progression I've seen in MMOs, ever.
You get rewarded based on the time you spend playing alone, not based on your skill (at all) like in other MMOs.
We aren't saying it's a better endgame. It's just far better for progressing your character than anything else you can do, and that is a terrible design.
After playing so many MMOs over the last Decade, I really believe that ESO is the best MMO. Some people complain about the so called and famous "endgame" but I find ESO progression system the best of all.
You are absolutely right that you shouldn't be able to to just play by yourself and get super powerful, but ESO has decided to go the extreme polar opposite direction of having to group for progression. And as usual with Zenimax I believe they took it way too far.
When you can craft everything yourself, get close to the fastest possible exp by yourself, and do almost all quests in the game by yourself, then why even play an MMO? Single-player games like TW3 or Skyrim offer far greater depth and immersion than an MMORPG could ever hope to.
ESO never really figured out what it wanted to be. And because of that it ended up not meeting a lot of people's expectations, which contrary to popular belief were not really all that astronomical to begin with.
If Cyrodiil wasn't such a joke right now then maybe this game would have a leg to stand on. But right now it's barely more than a single-player game...and it makes a poor one of those.
@Knootewoot Well I meant the best MMO from the current ones..not of all times hehe.
Knootewoot wrote: »@Knootewoot Well I meant the best MMO from the current ones..not of all times hehe.
Ah ok
PvE wise then I like SWTOR the best. Good stories and able to do in co-op without worrying about phasing out. Also lots of endgame raids.
PvP wise I like TESO the best.