Estimate size of patch from March 17th to now?

I was wondering if anyone can help me by telling me the approximate size of patch from march 17th to now?
I have a few issues with how ESO handle their patch and I can use help/explanations.
* Why are patches downloaded in chunks? I have so far downloaded 13.5 GB patch, applied it then downloaded another 800 MB, applied it and now its downloading another 700 MB. Why can't the patches be continuous? They really should be repacked and sent.

* Why are the patch sizes from ESO so large? I have seen games adding DLCs and HUGE contents to the game for lesser size (Typically 4-8GB).

* Patch downloads are VERY slow. It takes me three something hours to download 800 MB. Yes, I have checked, it's not my connection. It works fine with other games, steam etc. Yes I have opened required port and followed other troubleshooting steps. On average I still get just 90 kB/s, which is not even a portion of what the actual speed should be like.
I would appreciate any help here. Thank you
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