Since master daggers actually give you the proper wep dmg now, is it now worth it to switch from bow/2h to bow/dw with master dags? Or stick with dw axe/sword..
I run full melee NB with DW/2H.....I am now able to run 1 master dagger to offset the price of trying to buy 2 morag tong daggers. current set-up is 5 ravager/5 hunding's with undaunted shoulder (for some extra health), I am also looking at running the same gear set-up with a master bow since the weapon damage will carry over to your melee bar if you keep the poison dot up!
I've read the 5x Rav/Hund set is the way to go for DW NBs with a heavy or heavy/light Hunding for the Undaunteds. I have 2x master precise dags so not sure if thats the best trait. No armor pen. I'll have to lookup what traits the Morags come with. I'm only theory crafting at this point cause my NB is still working his way to v14.
I've tested it today comparing 2 master daggers to random 2 swords of hist bark I had lying around, and the hist bark swords gave me more weapon damage on my character sheet. I can only imagine it's not working at all.